Gas Price Info With National Gas Temperature Map

Experts are not sure of a reason, but expect it's a refinery problem and being a week away from the switch to winter blends leading to some shortages.
Questions about Arctic oil? Gas pricing is based largely on futures.

Who is ready for Winter blends at this point in time?
Yesterday, I heard on the news that the winter blends will be coming out soon and that will add between 50 cents to $1 per gallon to gasoline. Right now gas has been steady here at $3.61 for 87 octane at Sinclair.
I read an article last week that the winter blend is likely to increase prices from 50 cents to a dollar.
Since it costs substantially less to produce, I hope not.

I think the petroleum companies are looking for pretty much any and every excuse to change the price.

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The guy on the customer service phone from WeaKnees is a complete jerk.
