Gas Price Info With National Gas Temperature Map

I think the new state gas tax raise has taken effect.
Oregon's tax rate is still 38 cents/gallon and California's went up 4 cents to 58 cents/gallon. We're seeing much more than a 4 cent increase in the differential.

Never mind that the Left coast is paying more than most other states as it is.
Was $3.20 at Murphys and $3.23 at the QT down the street this morning when I made my daily trip to the post office for business mail. Murphys was still at $3.20 when I left, but QT was at $3.50 so I turned around and went back to top off at Murphys. Had planned on doing it tomorrow on my way downtown. Was fortuitous that I was paying attention today and saved myself a couple dollars. Its the little things :cool:
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The guy on the customer service phone from WeaKnees is a complete jerk.

Song Name Game Part 3!
