Gas Price Info With National Gas Temperature Map

Those pesky Cali gas taxes.
The tax/fee differential is not that great. Oregon is typically 38 cents and California is typically 62.9 cents (and includes a 2.25% gasoline state sales tax among some other obscure/obtuse fees) for a net differential of around 25 cents/gallon.

The price differential was floating at around $1.20 until recently.
But it's not just the tax,there's the cost of doing business,onerous regs,wages,transportation,theft,urban/suburban/rural and the "what can we get away with"factor,that have to be considered.
There is like 2$ diffrence in gas in NC vs NJ when dad makes his trips to NJ from NC he get gas in Va or DE now, he wont get gas in NJ less he wont make out NJ to VA or DE before hand.

I am actual supprised gas isnt higher then it is
  • Wow
Reactions: TheKrell
There is like 2$ diffrence in gas in NC vs NJ when dad makes his trips to NJ from NC he get gas in Va or DE now, he wont get gas in NJ less he wont make out NJ to VA or DE before hand.
This isn't caused by the gas tax differences between the states. NC is $0.41 and NJ is $0.42 while VA is $0.28 and DE is $0.23. At worst, the price differential as a result of state taxes is only 19 cents. There's some heavy scheming and blame throwing involved in adding another $1.81/gallon to the price.

In the greater US, Alaska charges $0.09/gallon and Pennsylvania charges a staggering $0.61 cents per gallon.

The guy on the customer service phone from WeaKnees is a complete jerk.

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