Gas Price Info With National Gas Temperature Map

dfergie said:
Got in this a.m. $2.79... when I get in Tuesday a.m. from work and gas up will probably be $2.99:rolleyes:

LOL!! Probably right. Seems the new "trend" is the raise prices at the beginning of the week and lower them on the weekend. Installing means I fuel up every two days or so. Getting gas this morning, I saw a few places around here for $2.55.
Tuesday or so it was announced that the US supply still has not recovered to satisfactory levels and with the summer holidays coming to expect the rise.
Congratulations finally did it

Them weren't fireworks last was Corporate SGA popping champaign corks because this morning they finally broke the 3.00 barrier in MN

The price of oil closed above $75.00 per barrel today, so expect higher prices soon. Prices in the Bay Area have been over $3.00 a gallon for a while now and it's just gonna get worst. This really sucks!
MN hasnt been over $3 until today...and it looks like their gouge might have fizzled. Lots of stations are below $3 so SGA went back down to 2.99
The $/brl for oil on the spot market is only a small percentage of what cause gas to go up today or next week. I wouldn't worry "too much" over that on a daily basis. I would worry more about the ridiculous world demands on oil based energy and the weak supply side operations the US has had over the last 20 or so years.
"The $/brl for oil on the spot market is only a small percentage of what cause gas to go up today or next week."

I agree with you charper1. In theory that makes sense but the industry uses the price of crude oil to raise the prices of gas for us, the consumers.

One perfect example of that is: the price of crude oil is the same for everyone but why the price of gas is higher in California? We've had prices over $3.00 a gallon for months now. You can say higher taxes and other factors are the cause but I think it has to do more with "SuperGOUGEAmerica" like Iceberg said.
So...oil jumps to $75/barrel because N. Korea tests some missles. And not a very successful test either! Meanwhile, Zarqawi gets killed and I don't see a negligible drop in price.

And the oil companies have the balls to hide behind the whole "supply and demand" BS?!? Riiiiiiiiiiiiggghhhht...!
RandallA said:
"The $/brl for oil on the spot market is only a small percentage of what cause gas to go up today or next week."

I agree with you charper1. In theory that makes sense but the industry uses the price of crude oil to raise the prices of gas for us, the consumers.

One perfect example of that is: the price of crude oil is the same for everyone but why the price of gas is higher in California? We've had prices over $3.00 a gallon for months now. You can say higher taxes and other factors are the cause but I think it has to do more with "SuperGOUGEAmerica" like Iceberg said.

Some states, CA and my AZ included not only have higher per gallon tax rates but also use a "boutique" gas formulation that is different that the rest of the USA; therefore it is almost always in short supply vs demands. It has been said 1000s of time that these fuels are cleaner although not cheaper, but the entire country should use it, many states resist.

Same deal - As in most places there is still the damned seasonal blends still going on, as opposed to just using the "cleaner blend" all year. Two times per year refineries must stop producing one fuel and ramp up to make the other. DELAYS!

While I know everyone loves to jump on the oil prices and such; considering the distance it travels, and the processes and hours needed to refine it, it is still ridiculously cheaper per ounce than many other things we also take for granted. $3.88 /gal for local milk? WTF?

I would rather pay the resulting prices based on the world market for oil as opposed to the national average of 42 cents TAX ADDED per gallon. That to me is the bigger outrage.

I also know that my levied taxes, supply and demand and multi-formulation gripes fall on deaf ears because it is so easy to blame the big boys.

I also need to update my own avg tax info to 45.9 cpg. Great chart, for those figuring their costs, I wish they would have better separated and explained ALL of the tax & fee numbers for the true info (most are already combined or included in the total ppg)

Sales tax
City/Municipality tax
County tax
State tax
Area usage fees
UST/AST fees
Fed tax: 18.4

Mine worked out to 37.4 cpg but I know our ppg costs are higher than the national thanks to seasonal and boutique blends.


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