Gas Price Info With National Gas Temperature Map

I paid $2.959 Wednesday for premium at Costco.

One of our few full service stations just dropped their price by 26 cents this week. They had held their prices for around four months straight.
$2.27 here in central part of Virginia last week. That's what happens when crude oil is @$51/$52 a barrel.

I did read last week where OPEC is looking to cut production though, which will raise prices again. :oldfrown My Hundai Accent gets 44 MPG highway and being 73 and retired, I really don't drive that much.

What I'd really like to see the price go down on is groceries!!! Between the two of us we average over $500 a month just to eat!! :deadhorse2

The guy on the customer service phone from WeaKnees is a complete jerk.

Song Name Game Part 3!
