Gas Price Info With National Gas Temperature Map

Gas around the Portland to Salem region has stabilized around $2.67 to $2.73 at the lower end, some are gouging around $3.
90210 full serve at $4.45 for regular unleaded as I drove by today for brunch
DarrellP said:
Gas around the Portland to Salem region has stabilized around $2.67 to $2.73 at the lower end, some are gouging around $3.

Down to $2.59 this morning at some places in Salem.

If people don't act different then the gas should be fine. Hopefully that was a lesson they learned with katrina
A lot of gas stations around here are out of everything but premium, if not out of everything period.
Last night gas was still around 2.62 in Fort Wayne, IN. Long lines everywhere. The station next to my house that offers a $.05 discount if you use their shopping card had at least 4 cars waiting for each the 8 pumps. I expected gas to raise sometime last night. Sure enough, gas was up about $.10 a gallon this morning. I thought about topping off, but I can go a week and a half with my 2.2L Cavalier and the $.40 I would have saved wasn't worth it.
Central Ca we have been 2.99 has dropped to 2.89, diesel has fell as well from 3.15 also at 2.89 first time in months the same as gas, Diesel truck here :no
Michiaha prices bumped up a dime today (pre-Rita jidders) but not all stations jumped. I saw a range of $2.69-2.79 coming home from work. Like crdu, I also topped off yesterday, but at $2.65/gal. SBN and FTW have always been off a few cents.
Back in the 70's The Shaw of Iran was on 60 Minutes being interviewed. The subject was the USA wants Iran and OPEC to increase prices and he stated why should I raise prices when I have mansions and Limos for every day of the year? And another point of his was the Iranian people need to start getting the wealth from oil instead of most if going to British interest.

In the meantime Kissinger and the NWO were behind the scenes telling OPEC that you will cut off supply and double your money if you put it in our numbered bank accounts and you will make a fortune. So that's what happened in the 70's. It was a NWO manufactured crisis so they could rape you and your standard of living. The same is happening today and Kissinger stated $150 a barrel this past June I believe at Bilderberg. So you will be paying $4 to $5 per gallon by Christmas unless they orchestrate another terror attack in the mean time then you will be paying $8 a gallon. That's what they want.

As for the Shaw... The CIA found a bum in the suburbs of Paris who is known as Ayatollah Khomeini and created a coup and put the bastard in charge then made a deal with him to release the hostages when Ronald Reagan took office. The Iranians were not anti-American but just anti-American government.

Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide. -- John Adams