Now with 2015 over, it's time to reflect.
Best Games I Played
Arkham Knight: Considering the fact that this game single handedly made me absolutely despise WBIE to the point where I refuse to buy anything from them for the foreseeable future, along with Rocksteady and that god awful porting company, it should really speak to AK's quality that I'm still willing to look past all that and give it a GOTY. Great story (although a little convoluted in the last act) great voice acting and the best the Akham combat has ever been made this an easy choice. It is the culmination of the entire Arkham series, and it even inspired me to go back and play Origins (which I wrongfully discarded back in the day.) It's just a shame that us PC gamers will never get to play the game the way it was meant to be played.
Tales from the Borderlands: When this game was announced I actually thought, "Well, I may be skipping the next TT game." I didn't really like Borderlands and never got into the game, and given that it's open world looting FPS, I didn't think it would have any sort of story that you could base a TT game on. At least Wolf was based off a comic along with The Walking Dead, so it's easy to plug characters into its rich lore. Well Tell Tale blew me away with what is their best work since TWD Season 1, and I hope they continue to do more comedy games as opposed to focusing only on Dramas. It may be a while until this happens since their future is already crowded with sequels and 2 new series (at least) scheduled for 2016. If you haven't played this, make it a point to.
Policenauts: Okay I promise to stop harping on this game but I really did enjoy it a great deal, and it is really just a shame that now would be the PERFECT time for a re-release but sadly that won't happen due to an entity that will be named later. More interactive narrative than actual adventure game, in today's scene a game with little player intervention such as this would prove quite successful. Good acting, a compelling story, and the typical Hideo Kojima charm make me glad that I finally dug in and got this for myself. And I do strongly suggest that you do so as well (it really isn't hard, I can help if needed.)
Life is Strange: I was debating between making this a GOTY or just honorable mention, but when I thought about how much I would struggle over making various decisions (even though there was a rewind feature) and considering I wanted to replay this before I was even done with the 2nd episode shows that it does belong on the list of the best of this year (normally I do 2 runs concurrently but I wanted to finish the game in 2015 and two runs likely wouldn't have been possible with my schedule.) In any case I've started the 2nd run and playing as "Mean/Moron Max" is quite amusing. Definitely worth your time (I even have a free code for episode 1 if desired.)
Honorable Mention
Until Dawn: The best David Cage game ever created, done in an original and innovative way by completely recreating the feel of a modern horror movie.
Guitar Hero Live: A fresh take on the genre that tries to innovate as opposed to Rock Band's attempts to reclaim former glory with less tracks and more expensive hardware.
Rocket League: Amazing how a simple concept like soccer with cars could be so addicting and compelling, especially since the
previous version did so poorly.
Worst Game I Played
Godzilla: Godzilla is like Superman when it comes to video games, in that developers can't seem to figure out how to make a good game out of playing as a next to invulnerable entity of destruction. The sad part is that Godzilla has the seeds for something great (or at least for something fans of the series could enjoy) but after they put the seeds in the ground they neglected them and they didn't flourish. City destruction would have been awesome if not for the awful PS1 level building collapses and repetitive goals (the objective is the same for EVERY mission). Fighting other monsters would have been cool if the fighting controls weren't completely f*cked. Seriously, the fights in the
Godzilla game for NES were more fun than this game. Add that onto a game that looks awful (it looks like an upscaled PS2 game on a PS4) and had the balls to charge $60 for at launch (which PROMPTLY got dropped down after sales went in the toilet) on a budget title scale of a game made this a shoe-in for WOTY.
Dishonorable Mention
The Order: 1886
Biggest Disappointment of the Year
Broken Age (Act 2): I feel bad giving out this award to this game but given how great Act 1 was of a game, I thought it wasn't unreasonable to expect a similar level of quality in Act 2. Oh how wrong I was. Between the difficulty spike on the puzzles, the rather uncomfortable recycling of content from Act 1 to 2, topped off with an INCREDIBLY unsatisfying ending left a real bad taste in my mouth, which is sad since I feel that Double Fine is one of those few smaller developers with a good pedigree and listens to the fans. And as someone who saw the ENTIRE development process behind the scenes as documented by "
Double Fine Adventure," (which is FANTASTIC BTW) while I do sympathize with them with the drop-off more than I would another company where such information isn't accessible, it still doesn't change the fact that the game ended badly. With this, I'm as excited as I am worried for the upcoming Psychonauts 2.
Dishonorable Mention
Star Wars: Battlefront
Games I Didn't Like But You Should Still Play
Splatoon!: A unique multiplayer experience that takes "Games as a service" to where it should be.
Metal Gear Solid V: The definitive stealth experience that brings a nice end to the long running series.
Worst Game Publisher of the Year
In a typical year, nearly every big AAA publisher is a contender for this award, but the winner this year seems not content enough to just win for the year, but was really pushing for lifetime achievement. I could only be speaking about Konami. Between the entire
Hideo Kojima fiasco (including the fact that MGS V wasn't finished when released), the whoring of their beloved
Castlevania &
Silent Hill franchises to Pachinko,
1984-esqe working conditions,
lying about port quality, the
cancellation of Silent Hills and
pulling of PT from the marketplace, topped off with
Kojima being threatened with legal action for attending a game awards celebration really was almost awe-inspiring. I truly hope that no other game companies have a year like Konami did for the sake of humanity. I'd go on a personal rant as to how annoyed I am at Konami, but really, Total Biscuit did so in a way that I can't even think of topping, so I'll just leave that here (NSFW language.)