Hey I got a new lnbf with .5 db noise figure, and it works just fine. I am currently connected to galaxy 25, however my signal levels are very low, most channels are around 10%. And guess what my old dish network canada lnbf works just fine and turns out it gets the same signal the new one does. Im telling you guys something is up with this satellite, I am pretty sure someone lowered the power setting, I just dont think a 30" dish will get all the tps anymore. Because I am getting every tp except for one, but regardless I used to get these channel at around 70 % now its down to 10% and I have been adjusting the satellite forever, I though the reciever or cable was broker in the first place but now its clear that the satellite is just plain harder to get. Perhaps its not a problem to you guys because you are more inland? Im not sure, has anyone noticed this change in the past couple months.