Galaxy 18

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Joseph R. Mautz

New Member
Original poster
Mar 13, 2006
For the last few days, I could not get any FTA reception on Galaxy 18, 123 degrees West. I have a 1.2 meter movable dish and a 1.2 meter fixed dish.
Neither ofthem gave any good signal. There was always a signal strength
of 72 and a quality of 10.

Can someone tell me if he or she is getting good reception on Galaxy 18 with an
MPEG2 DVB receiver? If good reception is possible, then I will know that there are equipment failures somewhere in my receiving system and I will have to find the failures and make repairs.

Galaxy 18 has replaced Galaxy 10-R at 123 degrees West. I used to get
good FTA reception on Galaxy 10-R. Does the replacement satellite, which is Galaxy 18, use MPEG2-S2? If so, then I will know that I cannot receive any
FTA signal from Galaxy 18 because my receiver cannot receive any MPEG2-S2

Sincerely, Joseph R. Mautz
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