Galaxy 16

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i did that and came up with only 5 stations after a blind scan. cnn-airport, msnbc, cnbc,espn,espn2. none that is usefull. Is there something im missing?
ultravox said:
i did that and came up with only 5 stations after a blind scan. cnn-airport, msnbc, cnbc,espn,espn2. none that is usefull. Is there something im missing?
G16 ku is used mostly for DC II programming (I think), you would need a 4dtv to get them. There are also those DVB channels you found and you can occassionally find a sports feed on it. Otherwise, good luck scanning?

yeah there really isnt much on G4 KU. C-Band has alot but KU is just those 5 channels and a couple data Tp's (for DVB)
I'm lucky-I have alot of room here in the boonies! :)

If you do get a six-footer, I would recommend an analog receiver too, if only to use for aiming. I can find an analog signal from scratch in less than 5 minutes-digital is much harder.
W_Tracy_Parnell said:
I'm lucky-I have alot of room here in the boonies! :)

If you do get a six-footer, I would recommend an analog receiver too, if only to use for aiming. I can find an analog signal from scratch in less than 5 minutes-digital is much harder.

so true.
Use the anlog to aim and get a good picture, then you know you only have minimal tweaking to do with digital :)
W_Tracy_Parnell said:
I'm lucky-I have alot of room here in the boonies! :)

If you do get a six-footer, I would recommend an analog receiver too, if only to use for aiming. I can find an analog signal from scratch in less than 5 minutes-digital is much harder.

I would agree with this 100%.
Iceberg said:
yeah there really isnt much on G4 KU. C-Band has alot but KU is just those 5 channels and a couple data Tp's (for DVB)

Just when I thought I knew enough to be dangerous, now I am lost!

I have been using this website figuring this is all I am going to be able to get for ku band:

So far that has served me well, as pretty much everything that website has I have found (the exception being those that say weak signal in northern US states, and me being in MN I figure that be my problem).

G16 (99W) is not on that website, so I figured I cannot get it. Also, when I tried a blindscan on 99W this morning, I found nothing. My setup is a 36" motorized with universal LNB and fortec classic NA receiver. Seems like I should be able to get some KU channels off 99W. Why am I not finding them? And why isn't 99W listed in the URL I provided?
G16 use to be G4 until about 2 months ago

There isnt anything DVB (which most of our boxes are) on KU Band. All the DVB stuff is on C-Band :)

Since there is nothing on that satellite on KU, Mike doesn't list it
Iceberg said:
G16 use to be G4 until about 2 months ago

There isnt anything DVB (which most of our boxes are) on KU Band. All the DVB stuff is on C-Band :)

Since there is nothing on that satellite on KU, Mike doesn't list it

Whew, ok, I am not totally out of it then! And out of curiousity, I presume if I ever wanted C-band, I must get at least a 6 foot dish (and a different receiver)?

Hmm, I re-read this thread, and saw this:
Iceberg said:
yeah there really isnt much on G4 KU. C-Band has alot but KU is just those 5 channels and a couple data Tp's (for DVB)

So when you said "All the DVB stuff is on C-Band" earlier, and this last quote says "KU is just those 5 channels", I am confused again.
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Don't be confused. Those 5 channels are there, but they are scrambled, so you won't get them in a "Free" scan. You should get them with an "All" scan. However, you can't watch them, because they are scrambled.

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Blindscan question

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