S2733SAT-RPL-20070222-00035 E
Replacement Satellite Application (no new frequency)
02/22/2007 16:46:38:34600 Date Filed:
PanAmSat Licensee Corp.
PanAmSat Licensee Corp. request authority to launch and operate a replacement C/Ku-band satellite, to be known as Galaxy 18, at the
123 degrees W.L. orbital location. Galaxy 18 is a replacement satellite for Galaxy 10R, which is projected to reach the end of its life
in 2008. PanAmSat request waiver of section 25.210(i) (antenna cross-polarization isolation).
Older G10R info:
Replacement Satellite Application (no new frequency)
02/22/2007 16:46:38:34600 Date Filed:
PanAmSat Licensee Corp.
PanAmSat Licensee Corp. request authority to launch and operate a replacement C/Ku-band satellite, to be known as Galaxy 18, at the
123 degrees W.L. orbital location. Galaxy 18 is a replacement satellite for Galaxy 10R, which is projected to reach the end of its life
in 2008. PanAmSat request waiver of section 25.210(i) (antenna cross-polarization isolation).
Older G10R info: