They've been doing some wierd stuff lately with a lot of channels. When you pick channels you receive on the Tivo units theres a description on the right column and the 4 digit abbreviation on the left. Both columns were 4 digit abbreviations until recently and they've been changing a few at a time. I don't pretend to know this but it almost looks as if they have to remove the channels and add them back in. I had only about 5 music channels in my list. I came back from a business trip to find about 20 additional music channels in the list I receive. Also some of the sports channels I don't get were back in as well as a few pay per views. When I went to remove them from the Channels I receive list, they all had extended descriptions on them.
There must be more to it. I can't believe they have to shut down a channel just to change this description. But that's the only difference I've noticed of course...