Future Terrorist Target - New Orleans?

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Slamminc11 said:
People like you make me want to increase my dish package. If you don't like it, GO SOMEWHERE ELSE![/ You sound like Pat Robertson and the like. "Still sux" in my opinion they never did. Do they carry channels that I would like to have? Sure. But then again the others don't carry channels that I would like to have as well. Best I can tell you is to just climb back in you hole and dump your dish account and go with someone else, I'm sure they won't miss you! Then again, neither would I.
perhaps you may be right ill look into it.
post cleaned by me because previous post was out of line
stone phillips420 said:
f you slamminc11 i have dtv bellvu and starchoice in addition to dish.
you sir smoke pole, theyd love ya at dbst***.com

wow, and you have a large vocab too! I'm impressed! I assume you were trying to insult me? :confused: :D
So did I, and it turned into a slam Dish thread.

Guess I won't judge threads by their titles again :rolleyes:
vurbano said:
I thought this was a thread about terrorism?

It was until Stoned (out of his mind) Phillips decided to do a right turn (I don't mean that as a political turn so don't start) and pulled a Pat Robertson wishing that Charlie would have gotten kidnapped and then something about how that would change the world. I'll just assume he was confused somehow
lets get it back on topic

I am SERIOUSLY concerned the terrorists might use this bad time, with resources stretched to the limit, to cause more havoc.

A dirty bomb, or taking out a nuclear plant waste fuel storage facility, a nice easy target would cause a mass panic worse than new orleans.

truly homeland security is obviously a joke, at least that part to help the masses after a disaster
My concern centered more around the realization (by the terrorists) that there are a number of ways to wreak havoc or cause devastation. This may cause them to start thinking more "outside the box".
CPanther95 said:
My concern centered more around the realization (by the terrorists) that there are a number of ways to wreak havoc or cause devastation. This may cause them to start thinking more "outside the box".
Or look at a map. There couldnt be a more vulnerable target than NO. a bowl surrounded by a lake, a river and the gulf protected by levees. Not much thinking out of the box required to figure that one out. And the topo maps are easily available.
Slamminc11 said:
It was until Stoned (out of his mind) Phillips decided to do a right turn (I don't mean that as a political turn so don't start) and pulled a Pat Robertson wishing that Charlie would have gotten kidnapped and then something about how that would change the world. I'll just assume he was confused somehow
now this post was funny lol nice

Slamminic11 I overreacted towards you and for that I owe you a public apology I'm sorry for my actions towards you.

Lets get this thread back on track sorry guys

Maybe a future place of interest would be Seattle metro area Boeing, Microsoft, and Nintendo all in the same town
Purogamer said:
I think some of you guys give terrorists too much credit. When have they EVER pulled off anything that you saw as highly educated?

They sent terrorists to this Country and WE taught them how to FLY OUR JETS! Then they boarded some as passangers and flew them into the twin towers and the pentagon ON 911. They even knew that the jet fuel would melt the steel girders and bring down the entire structure of the towers.Id say thats highly educated, well planned and well executed IMO.
stone phillips420 said:
now this post was funny lol nice

Slamminic11 I overreacted towards you and for that I owe you a public apology I'm sorry for my actions towards you.

Lets get this thread back on track sorry guys

Maybe a future place of interest would be Seattle metro area Boeing, Microsoft, and Nintendo all in the same town
stone phillips420 said:
now this post was funny lol nice

Slamminic11 I overreacted towards you and for that I owe you a public apology I'm sorry for my actions towards you.

Lets get this thread back on track sorry guys

Maybe a future place of interest would be Seattle metro area Boeing, Microsoft, and Nintendo all in the same town

Appology accepted, and no hard feelings. I don't really even remember what you said, I think there was something about you wanting me to do something with a pole in there, but... :D
My brother works for Microsoft so if anyone has any connections, tell the terrorist guys to pick somewhere else. My family and his kids would appreciate it.
You know, we knew this storm was coming... we never had any indication of immediate terrorist attack on 9/11/2001.

We spent billions of dollars and sent Bush back to Washington to protect us, he said he could do a better job than Kerry...

I am forced to wonder if the board reconfirmed an incompetent CEO... the response to this storm that we knew will hit is so poor!

We really should be asking our representatives for some answers... where did all the money go?

If this is how we respond to a natural disaster, the effects of which are very similar to a levee being blown up, or the Hoover dam being breached by an explosion, how prepared are we?

I want my money back.
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