Future FTA'er looking for advice

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Supporting Founder
May 22, 2004
What is a decent setup for me to use to learn about FTA stuff? I want to get into this.

I live in sw Michigan, I have dishnetwork from my area can LOS 61.5 through 129, but no further west due to trees.

Again, I have searched here and just can't find what exactly it is I need to get started.
To get started you need a couple things
-30” or larger dish
-KU band LNB

A motor is optional but HIGHLY recommended.

I would check out Sadoun & FTADirect . They have systems that would get you completely going with FTA.

Receivers I recommend are Coolsat 4000, Pansat 3500 and the Fortec. All 3 of these have “blind scan” which will allow you to find all the fun stuff (the stuff that comes and goes all the time)

Reason for a motor? So you can see the whole arc and not be set on one satellite. You don’t want to “ghetto move” (hand move) your dish all the time. Once you’re setup, you can motor to each of the satellites from the easy chair.

FTA does take more patience than Dish or Direct, but the results are more than satisfying : )
Thanks for the advice. that is what I was looking for, expecially the receiver part. That was the one part I was really in the dark on. I know I can read reviews etc, but those are from people in the know. I am new to it and don't know what to look for exactly, so that helps alot!

Any LNB in particular better than then the rest?
Most of the receivers were reviewed basically on what it can do and ease of use. Most receivers I review I take out of the box, hook it up and go with it.

So if I have issues, I will let people know in the review.

As for the LNB, there are 2 types, Universal and Standard
Standard is self explanatory..standard KU (like what Dish 121 & 105 are)
Universal has the extended band. Some satellites use an extended band. The only one that we can see is PAS9, at 58W. Cubavision is on there. Europe is real big on Universals because they could squeeze more TP’s on the satellite (low and high band)

The noise number is the key. The lower the better
.4 and .3 are the ones a lot of us have
.5 & .6 are the common ones.

It helps bring the signal in better (which since KU is lower powered, every point counts) :D
Thanks Iceberg. I think I have all the info I need to get started, then the real questions begin. That LNB info is good to know.
bigger dish is always better
lower LNB number is always better

you'll be kicking yourself if you get a 30" dish and 2 weeks later want a 36 :)
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Will I get G10R???

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