OK satguys.. please help me test this thing. Seems to work fine, but then again, I wrote it so it all makes sense to me. There are currently 1014 records in the list. If you are on a dial-up connection don't expect it to be really fast. If you have any suggestions, or find a problem, please post. This is currently hosted on my test site so don't bookmark it or anything as it likely won't stay where it is (will get moved to Sadoun when it's finalized)
I have some messed up characters & so on to fix in the data, so that's already noted. FTA channel listing
oops.. one thing I forgot.. you do not have to type in the full language to search on that.. for spanish you can just type in spa if you want all languages that start with the letter 'a', then just type in an 'a' (without quotes of course). if you want to reset the list back to full, clear out your choices and click update list again