I did some research to answer my own question above for those of you with NHLCI that will be jumping ship to D*...here's what I found:
This from InDemand which handles NHLCI for cable I believe, but should be about the same for D*.......NHLCI SRP of $169 for the Full Season and $119 for the Half Season from Jan. 25 - March 7, 2008. The Race to the Stanley Cup Playoffs is March 8 - end of the season for $59.
I'm considering also keeping the minimum E* HD DVR package so I can still watch my over 80 programs I have on USB archive. I believe the least expensive package you can get is AT100 for $29.99 plus $20 for HD and $5.98 for DVR...plus tax.
D* is offering $240 programming discount (12mths X $20) plus all the movie channels free for 3 months and free install. HD DVR is $299.00 - $100 instant rebate = $199.00. The nice thing is I dont need locals thru E* since it's included in D* package and I dont need the HD Extra pack on D* for $4.99 since HDnet is already on the E* HD package. I could care less about Smithsonian and MGMHD.
I figure I could probably have both E* and D* for about $140/mth...not too bad.
In 2 years, when E* gets their act together, my D* 2 yr committment will be over and I can cancel them. I've had E* for a year before being a D* customer for 9. I'm not looking forward to going back or keeping them for any longer than I have to. I just really need my SCIFIHD and FSNYHD and by the looks of it, E* will not be turning these on any time soon. I thought since E* had MSG and FSNNY HD uplinked, they would turn them on the same time D* got access. Guess I was wrong.
Charlie is probably too busy trying to sell his sinking boat to listen to his customers. Hey Charlie, the more water your boat takes in, the less it's worth.