I have a azbox elite for sale. This is the original model so it does not have blind scan but can do HD, 4:2:2 and DVB-S2 
Very lightly used. Ended up with 2 of them so I dont need one of them. A couple scuffs on the back from plugging in HDMI cable & thumb drive but otherwise in great shape
Has newest software in it.
$175 shipped. Paypal preferred (send as gift to avoid those pesky fees) or money order. US preferred. If Canada let me know beforehand.

Very lightly used. Ended up with 2 of them so I dont need one of them. A couple scuffs on the back from plugging in HDMI cable & thumb drive but otherwise in great shape

$175 shipped. Paypal preferred (send as gift to avoid those pesky fees) or money order. US preferred. If Canada let me know beforehand.