Frustrated with Ultra and DiSEqC 1.2

Well, I got about all the satellites programmed and scanned in! :p:)
So far I can pick a channel on any satellite and it will go there. It has been a long hard haul for me the past coupla weeks. Thank you to all you guys who pitched in to help me out. I learned a whole lot from all of you! :)
The Ultra is indeed a excellent receiver and I really love it!
Now, let me ask you this...
(Did I hear someone saying "Oh oh"?) :eek:
I have been reading about the Maz 3 software in this and Rick's site. I downloaded it and am able to retrieve my channel and satellite list from my Ultra. Once I get all the kinks out of my programmed Ultra, could I download all the channel and satellite lists and have it saved in my PC? I don't know much about the Maz 3 but I kinda figured it can be done. If anything happens to my setup in my Ultra, I could put the files of the list from my PC to the Ultra. Am I right about this? And would the files I saved from the Ultra settings of the SG2100 be included?
I could put the files of the list from my PC to the Ultra. Am I right about this? And would the files I saved from the Ultra settings of the SG2100 be included?

One thing I noticed with my Elite and 1.2, some firmware do not work properly. I run 4991, and it works fine, while 5020 did not. For that reason, I used MAZ to assign the Position Numbers and the GBox remote for tweaking and saving.
I got all the satellites programmed. I notice a few times that when I go to a channel, I see the channel then all the sudden, it vanish, I have to go back to setup and reprogram the satellite again, readjusting the point where the satellite is stored.
Why is this?
Thanks Lak for letting me know it can be done, Once I get all the satellites fine tune and saved, (I hope) then I will save the settings and all with the Maz.
I don't know much about the Maz 3 but I kinda figured it can be done. If anything happens to my setup in my Ultra, I could put the files of the list from my PC to the Ultra. Am I right about this? And would the files I saved from the Ultra settings of the SG2100 be included?

Using Maz3
Setup your Profile: Name = Azbox
IP: = (fill in the address to match your Azbox IP Address.)
FTP Port = 21
Telnet Port = 23
Login = root
Password = azbox
(login & password are case sensitive; all lower case)
Under Options
Style = Office 2003 Classic
Language = English (or whatever you can read)

Now press the “Connect” button above the profile section.
Then click on “Channel List” over on the left side & then hit the Green down arrow button which is located above the word “Name”.
Your channel list from the azbox should now appear on the left side in the large box.
Directly to the left of the green down arrow is your “SAVE” button.
This is what you need to do to the channel list save it to your computer where you know it is. There will be 3 files saved.
Once this is saved to your pc your ready to move on to the next step.
All the satellite names, channels, and sat settings are in these files.

Now after this is saved to your pc, go and make a new folder someplace else on your pc and make a copy of these files.
this is just so if you can now try out Maz on your list & if you mess it up there is no great loss, you have a back up copy.

This is by far the easiest way to save the satellite & channel list to your pc.

I spent only a few short hours getting to know the Maz program, I'm no expert and from a complete non-teckie if I can figure it out anyone can.

Expect to hear more on this in the near future. I am in the process of working on something that may be a big benefit to AZ users.
It's just time constraints right now and trying to find someone to help out in areas I am not good at.
Using Maz3
Setup your Profile: Name = Azbox
IP: = (fill in the address to match your Azbox IP Address.)

Of course you don't have to use the subnet. None of the devices on my LAN are on that subnet, including my Azbox. Of course, for people who have let their router pick subnets for them it will probably be in this range, but I'm stubborn, and alway use other subnets. :-) It made for one particularly confused Hughesnet installer at our town office, who had never heard of a LAN using other subnets, and basically he couldn't figure it out. I had to wait till he gave up and configure it after he left.
Minor problems with D1.2

Ok, as I mentioned before, I have managed to program the satellites and channels.
One minor problem is this:
I am watching a channel on AMC 21.
I decided to go to Galaxy 19 to watch a channel there. On the channel menu I click on that channel and a box appears showing that the dish is moving that way.
The channel I want comes in then all the sudden vanish. It is doing that to other satellites as well.
What is happening is that the dish is missing its mark on where it goes. I had to go to setup, reset that satellite, move it to where it go, fine tune, and save it at the point I wanted to assign the satellite on,
That's the problem. If I can figure out how to make it stay in its assigned place will be a blessing. The problem lies on the saving part.
Any suggestions?
well the problem could be on the vbox miscounting or the sensor mis"sensing" if you will. the question is , Does the AZbox always send the same position number like P15 everytime you select that same sat?. And also obviously the VBOX for every P15 position request has to move to the same number of clicks like 753 for instance, Does it go to 753 always?. If so and still you have to move a few clicks either direction then your setup is miscounting for some reason. I hope you get the picture with my explanation.
I don't have a vbox. My SG2100 is running by the Ultra itself. I notice that it does that just on certain satellites programmed in my receiver. I haven't have a chance to reset those satellites.
Have you re-set the SG-2100 at the motor? I find I need to do that once in a while, like as if the motor loses count... maybe caused by noise or something...
Yes, I have, twice, while I was trying to program the Ultra.
Right now, it seems to be doing better as far as going to one satellite to another. Occasionally
when I get to certain satellites, it would miss the mark by a few degrees.
that's the way it is suppose to be. i have downloaded it a dozen times from different sites and none of them will work. the only thing i can figure this started after i went to windows 7
Did you uninstalled the Maz completely from your computer? You mentioned you downloaded from different sites and none of them worked. Sometimes when you try to install the program over the first one, it would be a headache.
The first one you installed could still have settings still there. Try uninstalling.
I'm guessing it works fine with the Pansat 2700... Strange why it would move but not go right to the satellite. I have a problem once in a while where the Ultra doesn't send diseqc commands to the motor or switch. Very intermittent and difficult to diagnose. Radar has some ideas I am following up on but Ultra has been good last few days.

Yes, I have, twice, while I was trying to program the Ultra.
Right now, it seems to be doing better as far as going to one satellite to another. Occasionally
when I get to certain satellites, it would miss the mark by a few degrees.

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