Frustrated by numerous program guide issues


SatelliteGuys Guru
Original poster
May 20, 2008
Boston, Massachusetts
I have been frustrated by numerous program guide issues. Here I list some of them:

- Not all episodes appear for some timers. This is now happening for the series Shooter on the USA network
o Recently the same thing happened with The Expanse on Sci Fi
o Episode number appears reset to 1

- Movie description and content not the same
o Recorded Patriots Day during recent free preview for watching later. When I went to watch it was something else
o Recorded Escape on Daystar, got the right movie but the info on the movie was from a 1940 film of the same name

- Local sports related programs need constant review to record
o Weekly Sports Final 1 hour program has been split in two parts
= Second part has appeared with different name, just adding second timer doesn't always work
o Patriots All Access program no longer shows as a new program so doesn't record

- Drive Thru History program on Daystar
o Title never correct, sometimes appears as just "Drive"

- Content on many other programs too numerous to name are incorrect

I realize that the guide is from a third party and prone to errors, but can't something be done?
Same here, the guide is a joke, a bad joke. The wife was just watching a movie on Hallmark. She asked when it would be over so I hit the Info button. It showed it ending at 6pm. Well 6pm came and went, the guide changed to something else but the movie played on - for another hour! That kind of nonsense plays havoc with timers. I've had one hour shows record only 30 minutes because that's how long the guide says it was. I'm seeing more and more programs that only list the stars, no other info. Maybe they want you to guess what episode it is. Twice recently movies on Pixl had murder mystery descriptions. Ever seen a mystery movie of any kind on Pixl? Me neither.
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Rovi has fubarred the series IDs again. It appears to play even more havoc with Dish than it does with TiVo.
Brother vs Brother finale tonight is still labeled as last years finale, so TiVo one pass wanted to skip it. Chasing Classic Cars id changed so my TiVo one pass missed the season premiere of it.
I noticed while I was in Ohio that it didn't record about 5 or 6 episodes of Bearing Sea Gold, but it did record the last 2..... smh
Chasing Classic Cars season premier was recorded but no new programs. I has to delete the existing timer and created a new one for next weeks episode.
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The episode numbering is a mess. Marvel's Spider-Man just started a new season on Disney XD. Season 2, episode 1 was listed as season 1, episode 26. Season 2, episode 2 was listed as season 2, episode 1. Then, season 2, episode 3 was listed as season 1, episode 27. :coco
For some reason, the DVR timer on my Wally failed to record any of those episodes. I watched them through the Disney app instead.
Yeah, I was going through my recordings last night. The Preview for Yellowstone recorded, but shows the tile for Waco, description says Season 1, Episode 7 (?????) and no episodes have recorded (I think it's into the season now). Last few episodes of Ink Master Angels didn't record. I have 2 folders for Naked and Afraid and a third for NAA XL (which is correct).

What a joke
Same problems here. I have to constantly check all my timers and several times a month have to make one off timers because episodes don't show up under the series. Also lately my TV shows are getting cut off early.
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Same problems here. I have to constantly check all my timers and several times a month have to make one off timers because episodes don't show up under the series. Also lately my TV shows are getting cut off early.
I check my timers schedule daily by using a favorites list I made using I catch mistakes in the Hopper schedule and fix them. If you have a Hopper 3 the way I fixed shows getting cut off early is by setting the Timer Defaults in the Settings menu to end 10 minutes late for all timers. You have plenty of tuners in the Hopper 3 so you shouldn't have any conflict issues.
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I check my timers schedule daily by using a favorites list I made using I catch mistakes in the Hopper schedule and fix them. If you have a Hopper 3 the way I fixed shows getting cut off early is by setting the Timer Defaults in the Settings menu to end 10 minutes late for all timers. You have plenty of tuners in the Hopper 3 so you shouldn't have any conflict issues.
...not so many tuners in the Hopper Duo, though. ;)
I don't seem to have a problem with timers, what I have while looking at the guide is that it will flash some white dots over the screen, then it might jump to channel 2, or it might jump to the next day, at this point it will freeze and I have to close and re-open the guide.
I don't seem to have a problem with timers, what I have while looking at the guide is that it will flash some white dots over the screen, then it might jump to channel 2, or it might jump to the next day, at this point it will freeze and I have to close and re-open the guide.
I have seen that. It is a very quick flash of some other portion of the guide. Then, for me, it immediately returns to the guide screen I was on, and I can continue using the guide. This happens on both the Wally and the Hopper Duo.
I feel like I've gone back to the days of programming a VCR with all of the mistakes in the guide data. I have to check everything and tweak it constantly. I thought the whole purpose of a DVR was to minimize this kind of monotony. Evidently not.
Thanks for the validation of the issue. It was my hope that this post my result in some some suggestions to at least reduce the frustration.

Possibly posting current errors might be the heads up that prevent people from missing episodes. Enough posts may cause Dish to put pressure on the provider to reduce the errors. I don't remember this level of issues before they switched sources.

Any tips or tricks to reduce the problem would also be great.

Cinemax and HBO Preview is on

Dish Anywhere and 722 Receivers
