From The Street 1/28/05

DarrellP said:
If Dolan really wants to know why Voom failed, all he needs to do is come to someone's home, pick up the phone, order Voom and see what a fiasco he has to go throught to get an install, a good antenna and a reliable signal...

Didn't realize Voom has failed..., I am still enjoying its great programming.

I went through an install less than three months ago. It was on time, very professional and with no problems. I am sure some do have issues (as with every other large company), but in my experience Voom has been great.

I went through a much worse experience with Dish 7 years ago. In fact I had to finish the installation, because the Dish installer couldn't get stable signal. And they charged about $300 for it, if I remember. And everyone was saying that Dish will be out of business within a year, since at the time they had less than a 10th of the DirecTV subscribers. But I thought they had better looking signal (less compression), and liked their aggressiveness. Now I think the same about Voom. The only difference is, that now, with Voom's $1 install, I have a lot less to loose. And I do think Voom is light years better than Dish or DirecTV.

What surprises me is that you can defend so vehemently Dale from HDTV Mag, who posted a lie on his website (and at a quick glance is definitely not worth $35, nor seems to be doing much for the HDTV cause), but are so quick to condemn and gloat at Voom's difficulties (and Dolan IS doing much to further the HDTV cause).

This is not meant to be a flame, but by the look of it, you don't have Voom. From the couple of posts I have seen from you, you don't seem intersted to find out about Voom, nor are excited about it. Why do you waste your time? I have cancelled Dish, but I don't hang out flaming Dish forums.

Just venting, but you get the point....
GreatMac said:
Didn't realize Voom has failed..., I am still enjoying its great programming.

I went through an install less than three months ago. It was on time, very professional and with no problems. I am sure some do have issues (as with every other large company), but in my experience Voom has been great.

I went through a much worse experience with Dish 7 years ago. In fact I had to finish the installation, because the Dish installer couldn't get stable signal. And they charged about $300 for it, if I remember. And everyone was saying that Dish will be out of business within a year, since at the time they had less than a 10th of the DirecTV subscribers. But I thought they had better looking signal (less compression), and liked their aggressiveness. Now I think the same about Voom. The only difference is, that now, with Voom's $1 install, I have a lot less to loose. And I do think Voom is light years better than Dish or DirecTV.

What surprises me is that you can defend so vehemently Dale from HDTV Mag, which posted a lie on his website (and at a quick glance is definitely not worth $35, nor seems to be doing much for the HDTV cause), but are so quick to condemn and gloat at Voom's difficulties (and Dolan IS doing much to further the HDTV cause).

This is not meant to be a flame, but by the look of it, you don't have Voom. From the couple of post I have seen from you, you don't seem intersted to find out about Voom, nor are excited about it. Why do you waste your time? I have cancelled Dish, but I don't hang out flaming Dish forums.

Just venting, but you get the point....

Good post.
GreatMac said:
This is not meant to be a flame, but by the look of it, you don't have Voom. From the couple of posts I have seen from you, you don't seem intersted to find out about Voom, nor are excited about it. Why do you waste your time? ....
If you read the posts around here, you'd know that I've had Voom for 11 months now, do your homework before posting such ignorant information. :mad:
DarrellP said:
If you read the posts around here, you'd know that I've had Voom for 11 months now, do your homework before posting such ignorant information. :mad:

LMAO, @ GreatMAC's post :D :D :D :D :D
That was really funny!
DarrellP said:
If Dolan really wants to know why Voom failed, all he needs to do is come to someone's home, pick up the phone, order Voom and see what a fiasco he has to go throught to get an install, a good antenna and a reliable signal. Then let him play with a buggy box and sit through a rainstorm and try to watch his favorite program. The programming had nothing to do with their failure.

Oh yeah, and don't forget to send him a "thank you Mr. Dolan" letter :D :D :D .
See what I think about it on this post.
DarrellP said:
If you read the posts around here, you'd know that I've had Voom for 11 months now, do your homework before posting such ignorant information. :mad:

Oops, I was making a guess, not posting "information".

But if I am really wrong, it sounds like a very dysfunctional relationship.... What can I say? 11 months, and you still moan from the wounds of a bad install. If not against your religion, you should seek a divorce.

As for Conjuror, you couldn't find even a "toothless bitch" with a face like that:eek:

BTW, I am happy to say "thank you, Mr. Dolan." I like Voom.
Like I said, do your homework GreatMac, I was just posting what everyone knows is a common occurrence with Installs Inc. I had a great install, BTW, I did 95% of it myself, that's why it was so good.
DarrellP said:
Like I said, do your homework GreatMac, I was just posting what everyone knows is a common occurrence with Installs Inc. I had a great install, BTW, I did 95% of it myself, that's why it was so good.

So, what's your beef with Voom and on what do you base your statement that it is "a fiasco"? I and many others have Voom because we like it. If I thought it is "a fiasco", I would not have Voom.

Since you think Voom is "a fiasco", I can only conclude that you still have Voom because you just need something in your life to bitch about.

GreatMac said:
So, what's your beef with Voom and on what do you base your statement that it is "a fiasco"? I and many others have Voom because we like it. If I thought it is "a fiasco", I would not have Voom.

Since you think Voom is "a fiasco", I can only conclude that you still have Voom because you just need something in your life to bitch about.

Enough of this pissing war. I never used the word fiasco, if you bother to take some time to browse this wonderful forum, you will see many pissing posts about horrible installs, installers not calling or showing up, Voom double billing, lack of equipment, wrong equipment, etc, etc, etc.

Never did I say that I had a bad install or a problem with them, quite the opposite, I was just making a statement using facts POSTED ON THIS FORUM from disgruntled Voomers that Mr. Dolan could come on out and see why his venture is failing. If he saw it firsthand in the real world, he might have a clue, now do you? :D

I assume you can read since you are on this forum making posts, why don't you put that skill to use and try the SEARCH feature, it works wonders.

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