Hi John,
As an early adopter of new technologies, you are aware that DISH Network often equips satellite TV hardware with additional hardware features that may or may not be used in the future, including some outputs that DISH Network called DISH Wire ports. Although DISH Network did not offer the 921 with DISH Wire activated for any purpose, we were prepared in case we found a need to use them in the future. At this time, we do not have a future use for these ports. However, all the advertised features of the 921 are available for use today and customers are enjoying the ability to watch and record HD programming. I'm sorry to hear that you decided to sell it, but we hope you will consider other DISH Network products in the future. We appreciate your business and that you were one of the original customers purchasing our new DISH Player DVR 921.
Marc Lumpkin
Director of Corporate Communications
EchoStar Communications Corporation and DISH Network
I'm glad to see they added the ports in case they found a need to use them. I forgot all the times they went on the air and talked about the DVHS dump being contingent on Dish's need to use the Dish Wire ports to archive HD. Silly me, I thought it was my receiver and the question was whether or not I needed/wanted to use the. What a bunch of BS! I'm tired of the lies and lack of direction from Dish. I am finished. I sold it on ebay for a nice profit. I'll go elsewhere. I doubt I'll invest in a DirectTivo at this point. After this experience, I'll give it six months to shake out. I've already got a MyHD for timeshifting OTA HD. It integrates with TitanTV so it has an actual guide for scheduling. There really isn't that much HD on satellite for time shifting for me to justify $1000. It is time for me to sink that money into a front projector!