FROM DISH: New 942 Information

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Ok help me out here guys, am to understand the new comm technology will allow me to view any recorded show on the 942 from a TV that is hooked up to say a 522? Without that TV actually being hooked up to the 942? When will this be out and what are the chances that existing customers will be taken care of?
KSbugeater said:
Yesterday a full-page ad ran in USAToday for E*. In the fine print among receivers listed was the 942! So today I called tech support to order one for myself (as an existing customer) but the guy was clueless, saying maybe July before existing customers can lease the 942. Arrrrgh! Hopefully he truly is clueless and we will get a crack as soon as the newbies do.

If they don't want to offer them to existing customers as soon as they are available then they can kiss my 5 yr old account goodbye! I'll go back to feeding the pig that offers an affordable hd dvr.
Any one have a copy of the USA today. I want to have my wife order one as a new sub.

I called and the CSR said the 942 was not on there order screen, are we sure it was listed in the ad?

I guess you could almost say its false advertising if you cant order one and they say you can in there Ad.

I cant find any yesterday USA today papers from Tues.
sbturner said:
Ok help me out here guys, am to understand the new comm technology will allow me to view any recorded show on the 942 from a TV that is hooked up to say a 522? Without that TV actually being hooked up to the 942? When will this be out and what are the chances that existing customers will be taken care of?

No. The dish comm technology enables all your other receivers to use the phone connection of the one dishcomm receiver that is hooked to the actually phone line.
ScottChez said:
I called and the CSR said the 942 was not on there[sic] order screen, are we sure it was listed in the ad?

I guess you could almost say its[sic] false advertising if you cant[sic] order one and they say you can in there[sic] Ad.
Unless the ad actually showed the DVR 942, it isn't being advertised as being for sale or lease. All the fine print said was that the DVR 942 needs to be connected to a phone line or Dish would charge an extra $5.00 per month. Now, I suppose one could argue that this is misleading, as a number of people with 322s and 522s have reported Dish slapping their account with the $5 charge even though the dual-tuner STB is plugged into their phone line.
I called and the CSR said that the 942 will be available from retailers. He gave the phone numbers for two in Mesa, AZ. I called, they both said they would have them in 2-3 weeks for ~$600.
Anamorphic Image Possible?

I currently make anamorphic copies of HDTV movies on my Toshiba RD-XS32 using the S out of the 921 and it set to 16X9 and 480i. Can the 942 be made to output an anamorphic image?
942 Out Tomorrow

Just spoke with a rep at Dish. She said the 942 will be released tomorrow, March 15th (Tuesday). She confirmed that it would be available for lease in the DHA package for $250.

Yancey House
Abilene, TX
Thanks, that probably means added to the DHA package for first time sub folks. Sttill trying to find out how exisiting folks lease one...
Yeah you're probably right. I know the 522 story, 942 will probably be just like it :(
I wouldn't be in to much of a hurry. Take the bugs from a 522 and add the ones from an 811 and that should pretty much sum up a 942. :(

I dont see as many existing subscribers trying to purchase the 942's off of ebay like they are the 522's to try to get them activated unless they are also available off of ebay new for a big discount like the 522's are. I do not think there will be nearly as many of those on ebay as the 522's.
Guess who will be giving away for 942? :D

Join us for our Charlie Chat.. Chat for more details! :)

Thanks to our friends at DishStore.NET :D
Scott Greczkowski said:
Guess who will be giving away for 942? :D

Join us for our Charlie Chat.. Chat for more details! :)

Thanks to our friends at DishStore.NET :D

Dang.....Now I'll have to find an excuse to leave work a few minutes early. ;) . The chats always start when I'm half way home.

Scott Greczkowski said:
Guess who will be giving away for 942? :D

Join us for our Charlie Chat.. Chat for more details! :)

Thanks to our friends at DishStore.NET :D

Now that's the price I would pay for the 942! :D
I wouldn't mind getting a 942. That would have me ready for HD when I eventually get a new HD bigscreen.
So I take it March 15th wasn't the date?

My friend who is a Dish installer says everytime he calls his distributor to order a 942, they just laugh at him.

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