"Frndly TV"


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Nov 30, 2011
Kansas City
Saw this service advertised on my Roku home screen. Looks to be a mix of pay and free (diginet) channels for $6.99 a month with a 7-day free trial.

Standard sub is SD only. Not sure how big a market there is for that. If you move up to HD and pay the extra fee you can still only keep recordings for 3 or 9 months, depending on how much extra you're willing to pay. Seems kind of restrictive. I wish them luck.
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The basic is 6.99 for SD 1 screen
Upgrade is 8.99 for HD 2 screens DVR and it saves programs for 3 months
Premium is 10.99 for HD 4 screens DVR and saves programs for 9 months

I've used it before and its really nice. I liked it for the A&E Nets (A&E, FYI, History, Vice). Obviously for Hallmark its the cheapest streaming option out there. They added some of the Weigel nets last April (Metv, Decades, H&I, Start, Story) so if you do not have them locally its a nice option

They have a VOD section too and they recently added some titles from the A&E Networks

They recently passed 700,000 subs

Traditional Live TV Providers 4th Quarter
