Fringe: Season 4

MikeD-C05 said:
Invented not "invested" but I will be "invested" in the episode ,just like I am every week.;)

Me too...of course, if this season doesn't get back on track soon...the money used to produce this show will be invested elsewhere. :D

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Loved it. Looks like next week Olivia get's her memories of how Peter and her got together in the previous timeline. The teaser at the end of this week's episode show her kissing him and eating pizza like she did in the timeline before Peter was wiped out of everyone's memories. I don't think that there is a universe time line for Peter to return to. I think that this is the time line and that the only difference is that Peter was wiped out of their memories because of the machine. If he would work at it these people would grow to love him and or get their memories of him back , just like Olivia looks like she is doing.
Makes me Peter going to find his way back to them...or the other way around?
I think it is the other way around Kab. They are coming back to him. If you remember the watchers said after Peter disappeared," they don't remember him." The other watcher responded:" How could they , he never existed. He served his purpose." So I think this universe is the universe or time line he came from. He used the machines to save both universes on both earths and now he came back, but no one remembers him ,till now.
Well, I've decided that I'll just "go with the flow" on this Peter never existed/trying to find his way home thing. All I know for sure is the ratings, in this Universe, continue their downward spiral and Fox has no choice but to cancel this series in May. The writers and producers have three months to wrap things up (hopefully neatly packaged with a box afixed) before the network observers erase it from television history. Unfortunately, with only 87 episode in the queue (and low-ratings) it will be difficult to syndicate thiss show.

Anyway, I am hoping to be WoWeD in the coming weeks. :)

9 p.m.

CBS: "CSI: NY" (10.3 million, 6.8/11)
NBC: "Grimm" (5.2 million, 3.1/5)
ABC: "Primetime: What Would You Do?" (4.8 million, 3.0/5)
FOX: "Fringe" (3 million, 1.9/3)
The CW: "Supernatural" (1.85 million, 1.0/2)
It went downhill when they did the hole alternate reality plot line. It was a nice Xfiles type replacement with the wierdness or monster of the week.
Watched Friday's episode tonight and imho it was the best of this winter.I also got bored with the alternate universe and prefer the X-filish episodes.Lysergic Acid Diethylamide is my favorite episode of the entire series.That was truly a trip.:D
I don't see Fringe backing off the alternate universe story at all. I see it being the way they end it. Some how they will either merge the two universes without killing everyone like in the last episode . Possibly using the machine and Peter again. A timeline where Peter never died at all and then there are one Walter, Oliva , Peter , etc and they all lived happily ever after. That is if they have time to wrap up the storyline. But I keep wondering how the Red head running Dynamics, that is acting like Oliva's mother now ,and why she is having Oliva injected with some drug that causes her migranes. Why and for what purpose ? Funny how the changes Peter made in the time line affected both universes and changed things so much in both worlds. The Walternate in this timeline is not as evil as the one before the changes. There are no more references to amber, that the other earth used isolate Fringe events. Is the other earth still suffering from the attacks? Not enough is being showed on these changes in the story.

Also the two Fringe teams are now working together in both worlds and traveling back and forth. This is very much like the story line in D.C. comics that I loved when I was a kid. In the D.C. comics they had multiple earths ,but mainly earth 1 and earth 2 and the older superheros from the 40s and earlier lived on earth 2 and the superheros from the 60s and present day lived on earth 1. They traveled back and forth frequently and worked together. In the "Crisis on Infinite Earths" the worlds were all merged using the Monitor's machines to one consistent universe. The entire history of the earths were rewritten and started over with new origins for each superhero. It was a way to modernize and change histories of the superheros in the late 80s. Some superheroes died ,like Super Girl and some were de-evolved like Wonder Woman and started over completely.

If I were writing this I would do something similar and create one consistent universe for both worlds and create a better timeline using the Watchers and the machine Walter created to do this. I would also fill us in on how the machine ended up in ancient times buried so they could use it now. Also why Walter had pieces of his brain cut out to protect the machine ,etc. I only hope that they do wrap the story up and not leave it unanswered.
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I don't see Fringe backing off the alternate universe story at all. I see it being the way they end it. Some how they will either merge the two universes without killing everyone like in the last episode . Possibly using the machine and Peter again. A timeline where Peter never died at all and then there are one Walter, Oliva , Peter , etc and they all lived happily ever after. That is if they have time to wrap up the storyline. But I keep wondering how the Red head running Dynamics, that is acting like Oliva's mother now ,and why she is having Oliva injected with some drug that causes her migranes. Why and for what purpose ? Funny how the changes Peter made in the time line affected both universes and changed things so much in both worlds. The Walternate in this timeline is not as evil as the one before the changes. There are no more references to amber, that the other earth used isolate Fringe events. Is the other earth still suffering from the attacks? Not enough is being showed on these changes in the story.

Also the two Fringe teams are now working together in both worlds and traveling back and forth. This is very much like the story line in D.C. comics that I loved when I was a kid. In the D.C. comics they had multiple earths ,but mainly earth 1 and earth 2 and the older superheros from the 40s and earlier lived on earth 2 and the superheros from the 60s and present day lived on earth 1. They traveled back and forth frequently and worked together. In the "Crisis on Infinite Earths" the worlds were all merged using the Monitor's machines to one consistent universe. The entire history of the earths were rewritten and started over with new origins for each superhero. It was a way to modernize and change histories of the superheros in the late 80s. Some superheroes died ,like Super Girl and some were de-evolved like Wonder Woman and started over completely.

If I were writing this I would do something similar and create one consistent universe for both worlds and create a better timeline using the Watchers and the machine Walter created to do this. I would also fill us in on how the machine ended up in ancient times buried so they could use it now. Also why Walter had pieces of his brain cut out to protect the machine ,etc. I only hope that they do wrap the story up and not leave it unanswered.

Nice script!Someone should forward this to Fox,it would be a great way to wrap up the series.
Nice script!Someone should forward this to Fox,it would be a great way to wrap up the series.

Why not I wrote an ending to Battlestar Galactica show a year before it ran. It turned out just like I guessed it would. So either it was a big coincidence , or someone from SyFy read it here and stole my ending. Didn't even get a credit either.;)
"You're waited four know who they are...the wait is over."

Good episode last night...I finished watching early this morning. Well, all I can say is next week's episode should be fantasic based on the previews. We're finally going to find out who, and what, the Observers (aka Bald Guys) are and, hopefully, their interest in the Fringe Division. :)
I'm one of the few who are watching too. I get so confused at times, but I'm sticking it out. :D I really enjoyed last night's episode and am looking forward eagerly to next week's--something I haven't felt for this series in quite a while!

As dahenny said earlier, "If you miss five minutes of a show, you're screwed!" I add that you may not understand things for months if you miss anything (and perhaps if you don't). I know I've "skipped back" more times with this show than any other. It will be hard for the writers to pull back previous viewers because of that.
Well, I think WE ARE the only ones watching this show. On a positive note, we're going to find out everything in the coming weeks.

9 p.m.

CBS: "A Gifted Man" (9.5 million, 6.1/10)
ABC: "20/20" (7.1 million, 4.7/8)
NBC: NAACP Image Awards (3.1 million, 2.1/3)
FOX: "Fringe" (3 million, 1.9/3) :(
The CW: "Supernatural" (1.7 million, 1.1/2)
yea it was another good episode.looking forward to finding out more about the observers.3 million for fox and a 1.9 on friday night isn't too bad.
Yep, I think my theory is right. Peter's universe is coming back to him.

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