Free To Air & Echostar

Scott Greczkowski

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Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
Last week DISH Network launched an attack on sales of Free To Air (“FTA”) satellite equipment. On last Friday's “Retailer Chat”, Echostar warned dealers that they are no longer allowed to sell Free To Air equipment or they could face discip... (more)


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"Free To Air" is just terminology. If I were a dealer, I'd just start calling it by a more generic name like "DVB Receiver" ;)
How dish coming up with ways to block the fta recievers?but on the other hand the other guys will again figure out how to hack their system. Thus this will never end and will be a ongoing cycle.
thqe question becomes , will all FTA Manf come together to fight this or will they try to handle it a seperate cases ( Pansat & Viewsat being sued ) you know its only a matter of time before Captiveworks,Coolsat & and all the rest get theres. Its clear the security has been comprimised ( twice from what I've read) leaving one to ask why are they still using the same Securlty Provider? if its been compromised 2x, what makes someone think that it won't happen 3rd time . Also with the talk of AT&T buying dish , its funny that none of this is being mentioned, surely the shareholder of AT&T ( myself included) would like to know if your going to Factor in the "piracy" aspect if/whem a Buyout happens , seems very odd someone would want to buy dish with there current security sytem being compromised, unless they feel that the piracy actually helps maintain a Customer base ? one wonders whats going thru there mind? I think a Change of security Company is needed
Dish can kill FTA boxes with one change Turbo-8PSK, by changing to that modulation theres no legal box out there that should for any reason support that.. anyone that even thinks about it is obviously intending to hack their system..
I think Dish needs to describe what they mean when they say FTA boxes. Don't let them get away with lumping every DVB receiver into a category that they are attempting to tie directly to piracy. In the end, forcing them to define what a FTA box is should prove interesting, since I don't believe that they can truly define a FTA box without including all of the things that make up their own equipment (as well as equipment used by other commercial satellite distributors).

If they were to go on to describe the offending devices as ones specifically designed and loaded with software which allows illegal decryption of the DishNetwork signal, then I would go along with that. But if they stop their description at some vague term such as FTA (what is a FTA receiver? One that can receive signals for free? Like a previously subbed Dish receiver that receives Nasa?), then they are never going to win support from anyone with some common sense.
With DirecTV moving to DVB-S2 on the MPEG4 service, is that also going to open them up to rampant piracy?
Echostar is using the cheapest means to recover from the nearly instantaneous compromise of Nagravision2--try to cut off the supply of DVB receivers.

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