Free Receiver of the Week Contest 6.12.2008 - Satellite AV

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My family's (talkin' about when I was a kid-45 yrs. ago) first home entertainment center included:

Stereo Phonograph (vinyl)--having stereo made you an audiophile in those days--state of the art!!!

Black and White TV (VHF /UHF)--nobody had color TV back then--except when I was 5 yrs. old (1965) my best friend down the block got a color TV-the frist in the neighborhood--the problem was that most shows were still in B & W. The color shows looked like B & W with a green tinge. When I was 9 (1969), I visited my grandparents in Florida. They had a new color TV--my first real exposure to a good color TV- I was shocked that the robot's claws on Lost in Space were red. I was also amazed that Batman actually wore a purple costume. I think I preferred B & W. Our first color TV was in 1973 (my father was afraid of too much radiation before then). I rememner watching the cartoon "Wait 'Til Your Father Gets Home" in color that first night. I was hooked. Ain't nothing like cartoons in color.

Reel to Reel Tape Machine-I thin--not sure.

FM Stereo
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We had a Color TV (console!) In the family room, and a Phonograph/Am/fm console stereo in another room. That was it, from 1970 when I was born, until about 1988, when they added a VCR. I had a VCR in my room before they had one in the family room. :D

Thanks again Brian!:up
My Familys First Home Theater

My parents had when I was born a 22 inch zenith b & w portable tv that finaly died when I was 18. I am 31 now. They also had a console record player that played 8 track tapes. We had an antenna with like 4 channels which was mounted on a 35 ft tower with a roter. The tower is still there rusty as heck and is used as a lightning rod now.

Later when I was 8 we got a 25 inch console color tv and got cable. The cable company was storer cable and was purchased by Comcast around 1988. We had 20 channels when we first got cable. In 1984 we got one of the first Sony Beta vcrs that cost my father 800+ and it died only like 4 years ago. The first vhs vcr we had which is a fisher brand still works, I think we got that one around 1988.
My parents still have a console tv with no cable box on it. My father likes console tv's and at 86 why make an old man upgrade and does not see the fuss about HDTV since his eye site is not too good.
Kind of late to the party but what the heck...

My family's first home entertainment center included:

Tube AM/FM receiver. I still remember my dad trying to string dial cord through the thing.

Tube preamp, with a CRT built into it! I'm not sure what it was for exactly (impedance matching?), but I think you were supposed to turn some knobs until the trace was circular.

Tube power amp, which was always breaking down. Yeah, I also remember going with my dad to the drug store to get tubes from that thing tested. I always made him lift me up so that I could watch the meter.

Vinyl phonograph. The thing was only about 5" high but must have weighed nearly 100 pounds. I still had in on a shelf near my bed until the Northridge earthquake, after which I found it buried halfway IN my bed, dead center on my pillow. Fortunately I wasn't home at the time or I wouldn't be here now!

25" solid-state color TV. We got about 10 channels over the air as long as no one in the neighborhood was using a CB or microwave oven.

Reel-to-reel tape recorder.

Cassette recorder, a Dual C 824 I think.
:clapCongratulations Sikma! @party

You have Won the Satellite AV Receiver of the Week for 6.18.2008 - A BUZZ S2010F DVBS MPEG2 receiver.

Hope that everyone is having fun reading these contest posts! I sure am!

We will post another receiver gem tomorrow from the sample collection.

Thank you everyone for participating!

BTW..... My family's first entertainment center was a AM/HiFi FM/Phonograph with a single speaker, floor model. Beautiful hard wood cabinet built in the early 60's. One of my childhood chores was to dust and polish it every Friday afternoon. At about age 6, I was finally allowed to remove any lint that collected on the brush or needle. By age 8 I was permitted to replace the needle. By age 9 I was testing tubes at the local drug store.... WooHoo!

We didn't own a TV until I bought a B/W 19" with lawn mowing money around age 13. My mother didn't think much of the trash that was on TV in the early 70's .....
THANKS AGAIN BRIAN. Like I told him in my PM, my 2700A is starting to act up (probably from blind scanning the arc 2-3 times a day.......and wait until the national conventions start receiver will be working OT!!! ;))

Can't wait to try it out............I'll definately post comparisons between the Buzz and my Pansat.
You lucky dog! I hope you have many hours of enjoyment with your new receiver. Satellite AV THANKS SO MUCH FOR YOUR GREAT GIFTS!
Sorry ...... I was unable to get the new contest started before being out of the office until Monday.

We will make it up to everyone with a excellent combo prize contest starting on Monday.

Free Receiver, dish and LNBF! Sound good!

Stay tuned ........ I am off for a mini 2 day vacation. Yes, two days ...... Sad but true!
So the next contest runs from Monday to Wednesday...?
Who cares? - :rolleyes:

There is nothing to make up. - :D
Not necessary to sweeten the pot.
Any receiver is still a nice prize at the end of the tunnel! - :up
We appreciate your support and encouragement to the hobby.

Thanks again, and you feel free to go right ahead and take a vacation any time you like.
After all, you deserve it.

pssst .... we got a good guy available who's looking for work...
don't know if he'd relocate to Calif, though... :eek:
you ever think about a Minneapolis office?
Enjoy your time off Brian..!
Thanks for giving us these opportunities, we love FTA, and will gladly take any device we can tinker with, to try and improve our systems. Can't wait for Monday and another chance for more goodies...!!!
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