The Disney XD one sort of ticks me off, since I had just added Latino Bonus Pack for $10 per month specifically to get that channel. Now, it is free for one month, so there was no need to actually spend that $10. I could go ahead and drop Latino Bonus Pack, but then Dish would still charge me a $5 Programming Change Fee (plus the partial-month charge for the days of Latino Bonus Pack I have already received) for dropping it less than a month after adding it. So, rather than pay that much in fees for no additional programming, I will just keep Latino Bonus Pack and pay the full $10. I am sure that I can find enough to listen to on the SiriusXM and Dish CD channels to make it worth the cost. I just wish that the Disney XD preview had been announced in advance, instead of after the fact, so I could have planned for it.

I am glad on behalf of everyone else who is getting this channel for free, though.