Free Dbs still planning their network per new update...
Free Direct Broadcast Satellite Network
"News Release: 1/01/2012
A message from the CEO
Good evening friends,
We are still getting all our ducks in a row. Our wheels turn slowly, but they keep turning. As the advertising market is shifting to the internet, our plan was to include this in our marketing scheme. Our plan of twelve freeDBS stations and many independent stations is still our vision. A third tiered business internet was also in our original plan. Please be patient as this can not be done quickly as we had hoped for. Greenbook,ITU and the F.C.C. guidelines must be met and we are still going over changing Rules and regulations. Some Key personal that work in the uplinking arena that are vital to this endeavor have not been contacted yet, but will be when this all comes together.
God bless you all and May Christ be with you."
Free Direct Broadcast Satellite Network
"News Release: 1/01/2012
A message from the CEO
Good evening friends,
We are still getting all our ducks in a row. Our wheels turn slowly, but they keep turning. As the advertising market is shifting to the internet, our plan was to include this in our marketing scheme. Our plan of twelve freeDBS stations and many independent stations is still our vision. A third tiered business internet was also in our original plan. Please be patient as this can not be done quickly as we had hoped for. Greenbook,ITU and the F.C.C. guidelines must be met and we are still going over changing Rules and regulations. Some Key personal that work in the uplinking arena that are vital to this endeavor have not been contacted yet, but will be when this all comes together.
God bless you all and May Christ be with you."