Some interesting possiblities:
- Isn't the price for basic-cable limited? Will CV have to lose-money on basic-cable under Fox-proposed costs?
- Can CV offer programming without high-cost channels? I know that basic-cable is a way of diluting costly-contracts over the entire user-community.
- Please understand that, in CT, CV continues to feature New Haven - 8 and New Haven -59 with all of the Fox-5 and Fox-9 programming
- Isn't the price for basic-cable limited? Will CV have to lose-money on basic-cable under Fox-proposed costs?
- Can CV offer programming without high-cost channels? I know that basic-cable is a way of diluting costly-contracts over the entire user-community.
- Please understand that, in CT, CV continues to feature New Haven - 8 and New Haven -59 with all of the Fox-5 and Fox-9 programming