Fox to Add More Animated Shows


Too many cables
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Supporting Founder
Sep 25, 2003
Norman, OK

Fox is going to have animated shows on Saturday night, then release them on the internet.

Fox Broadcasting is planning a new block of animated TV shows to air on Saturday nights and to be made available on the Internet through mobile-device apps and game consoles, as traditional TV companies look to build Web businesses.

They also are considering production costs for live action shows:

Fox is also wrestling with some big decisions in coming weeks about whether to continue with some of its most high-profile shows, including medical drama "House" and dinosaur drama "Terra Nova."

"House" has seen its ratings slip again during its eighth season. But the company that produces the show, Comcast Corp.'s NBCUniversal, would like to figure out if there's a way to shave costs to keep it on the air. "We said last year that it was going to be a close call and probably it's [the show's] last year, but honestly we still simply haven't made a decision," Mr. Reilly said.

Meanwhile, "Terra Nova" has averaged a respectable, if not large, audience of about 4.4 million viewers between the ages of 18 and 49. But the special-effects-laden show is also expensive, with individual episodes of the show costing more than $4 million, the Journal reported last year.

Animating those dinosaurs is expensive at 4million an episode!

Looks like they want NBCU to cut the price on House. NBCU should say no and if they do not want the series, move it to NBC where it would probably be one of the network's highest rated shows.

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