Actually, this household loves reality TV and personally, I can't wait for this channel to come on. Now, if only they would put on Paradise Hotel! That was the bottom of the reality TV barrel, yet it was SOOOO entertaining. Such a guilty pleasure, like Big Brother. I realize most of you look down upon reality TV, but I enjoy it alot. I work on my computer all day long, the last thing I want to do is watch TV that makes me think. I want to be entertained, plain and simple. Reality TV allows me to disconnect and root for someone or root against someone. Sometimes I even get emotionally involved. Reality TV is entertaining to me and millions of others, just look at the ratings for Survivor. After 10 seasons, yes 10 seasons, Survivor is still going strong as a top 10 show. Sure, Law & Order and CSI and Without A Trace and all that are great... but sometimes they are depressing to me. I don't want to come home and watch stories about people being murdered in gruesome ways. That's not entertaining to me. Reality TV may be fluff, but it's entertaining fluff and that's what it's all about.
BTW, I also love the History Channel, Discovery channels, Animal Planet, BBCA, TCM and all that, it's just that reality TV is pure FUN. It's nice to have the option. I don't complain about all the sports channels we get and pay for and NEVER EVER watch, so please don't put down the channels that are geared towards other people.