Well, I am sure the networks (Fox, or whoever else gets the TV rights in the future) would love it, since it would guarantee that the World Series would happen during November sweeps. Remember that the Super Bowl used to traditionally be in January, but then after the September 11 attacks, the NFL schedule was re-arranged, pushing the Super Bowl back to February. That happens to be another ratings sweeps period, so of course once the precedent was set, the Super Bowl has been scheduled then ever since. Daylight Saving Time is another example. For decades, candy manufacturers pushed to have Daylight Saving Time extended to November, so that the extra hour of daylight would stay in the evening for trick-or-treating, despite popular public opinion that Daylight Saving Time had been extended too long already. Guess what? Eventually, Daylight Saving Time was extended even further, and the candy manufacturers got their way. The bottom line is that if it is good for the bottom line, things can always be extended, or the schedule pushed back, if it suits the corporate need.