Fox Business HD Now Live!

Nope, no new channels will be added to HD Absolute, bummer!

Source? When I signed up for Absolute I asked and was told I would get new HD channels as they came online, but, the price ($29.99) was only guaranteed until Feb 2009. When I called yesterday about the Fox HD channels I was not told that I didn't get them because of my HD Absolute, but, that NO "stand alone" HD packages had them yet, but, that we should get them SOON:D. I did ask what the price increase would be, they said they didn't know. So, based on this I am expecting HD additions and if not, I will be calling back since I was told from day one that I would get them.
No, educated people listen to NPR on the FM dial. :)

I personally hate to have talking points jammed down my throat by eater side all day. So don't give me Rush or Franken.

Whenever ESPN radio is in commercials (which is a lot), I switch over to NPR, which is commercial free (except now, when this annoying money drive is going on...). Their straight up news reporting is good, but their editorial position does seem a bit towards the left. Also, I can't help but think that NPR and its listeners think they are better than everyone else... they probably all own macs... I mean, I listen, but I don't have a mac... yet...
You did not just compare the KKK to conservationism. No way. I'm no big fan of Fox News but that comparison is bad and vitriolic.

First of all, as a conservative-libertarian at heart, I can tell you that Fox News has little to do with true conservatism.

I'm saying, Fox News is inherently political, and designed to provoke a strong reaction, either positive or negative.

Almost any channel discussion will invariably turn to the programming content. The problem with Fox is that it breeds discussions which mirror the philosophy of the shout down any dissenting opinion (ironically, in the name of freedom.) The discussion usually goes like this...

"I don't like Fox News, but I'm glad they are negotiating with Murdoch, finally."

"Why don't you get out of my country and join Al Queda?"

From there, the first person can either exit the "discussion" or escalate it. And we all know how the internet works.

The other problem with Fox News fans is they buy into the slogans. Fox News has nothing to do with being "fair" and that's fine. There's nothing "balanced" about it, though it does help balance out the airwaves. And while "free speech" allows them to stay on the air, they really don't really WANT free speech.

Which is FINE! Because we DO live in a free country, despite their efforts. Everyone has the right to only listen to what they want to hear. I don't think it's a good IDEA, but it's their right.

I prefer MSNBC, but I have no illusions about it. It's totally biased. If I got ALL my news from MSNBC, that would be a bad idea.

But back to the question, the reason it always turns into political BS, is most Fox News fans are unable to accept anything that doesn't fit their narrow viewpoint. Fox News IS the right wing wacko channel, just like MSNBC IS the left wing wacko channel.

But let's leave out the word "wacko". You can't even call Fox "right wing". There are a ton of people who actually believe that it is "fair and balanced". And they will insult anyone who says otherwise.

My problem is not with Fox News, but with people who have such narrow world views.

EDIT- The guy who does their Sunday Morning show is the only one I will give any credit to as far as being "fair". He does attempt to show more than one side of things.
I did a check switch and I now have Fox Business Channel in HD on ch. 206 and ch. 9476. We finally have what we should have had before the election.
Between Bill O'reilly on Fox HD and Dave Ramsey on Fox Business, Our "Heroes" can "Save the world".

Just a joke sorta; Well maybe not. :eureka

I have FBN-HD this morning. Very happy to have it and FNC-HD!!!!

Do a check switch! It worked for me in the sportsman paradise State.

i have it also

Thats the way mine was. I called CSR and they turned them on.

So what programming packages do all of you guys have? This would help in determining what packages are starting to see what ...

(Maybe put it in your signature ...)
Source? When I signed up for Absolute I asked and was told I would get new HD channels as they came online, but, the price ($29.99) was only guaranteed until Feb 2009. When I called yesterday about the Fox HD channels I was not told that I didn't get them because of my HD Absolute, but, that NO "stand alone" HD packages had them yet, but, that we should get them SOON:D. I did ask what the price increase would be, they said they didn't know. So, based on this I am expecting HD additions and if not, I will be calling back since I was told from day one that I would get them.

That is what tech support told me on the phone. No new HD channels will be added to the old "HD Absolute" package. New channels will be only added to the currently available HD packages.
About Dish AbsoluteHD and Fox

just got off the phone with E.

My turboHD Absolute has been discontinued. (months ago they said, news to me) So to get Fox and everything I have already been getting with the absolute, I have upgrade to the Gold Package. An increase of $20 Month.

First of all, as a conservative-libertarian at heart, I can tell you that Fox News has little to do with true conservatism.

I'm saying, Fox News is inherently political, and designed to provoke a strong reaction, either positive or negative.

Almost any channel discussion will invariably turn to the programming content. The problem with Fox is that it breeds discussions which mirror the philosophy of the shout down any dissenting opinion (ironically, in the name of freedom.) The discussion usually goes like this...

"I don't like Fox News, but I'm glad they are negotiating with Murdoch, finally."

"Why don't you get out of my country and join Al Queda?"

From there, the first person can either exit the "discussion" or escalate it. And we all know how the internet works.

The other problem with Fox News fans is they buy into the slogans. Fox News has nothing to do with being "fair" and that's fine. There's nothing "balanced" about it, though it does help balance out the airwaves. And while "free speech" allows them to stay on the air, they really don't really WANT free speech.

Which is FINE! Because we DO live in a free country, despite their efforts. Everyone has the right to only listen to what they want to hear. I don't think it's a good IDEA, but it's their right.

I prefer MSNBC, but I have no illusions about it. It's totally biased. If I got ALL my news from MSNBC, that would be a bad idea.

But back to the question, the reason it always turns into political BS, is most Fox News fans are unable to accept anything that doesn't fit their narrow viewpoint. Fox News IS the right wing wacko channel, just like MSNBC IS the left wing wacko channel.

But let's leave out the word "wacko". You can't even call Fox "right wing". There are a ton of people who actually believe that it is "fair and balanced". And they will insult anyone who says otherwise.

My problem is not with Fox News, but with people who have such narrow world views.

EDIT- The guy who does their Sunday Morning show is the only one I will give any credit to as far as being "fair". He does attempt to show more than one side of things.

Words, words, words.
Whenever ESPN radio is in commercials (which is a lot), I switch over to NPR, which is commercial free (except now, when this annoying money drive is going on...). Their straight up news reporting is good, but their editorial position does seem a bit towards the left. Also, I can't help but think that NPR and its listeners think they are better than everyone else... they probably all own macs... I mean, I listen, but I don't have a mac... yet...

Well, NPR listeners ARE better than everyone else:)

Seriously, though, I;m an NPR listener, and I HATE Macs. I will confess, though, I will get an iPhone.
Seriously, though, I;m an NPR listener, and I HATE Macs.

Amen. Wanna go start our own board? You're the only person that ever says anything that makes sense to me. We could sit around and reassure each other that we're right about everything.

It'll be just like Fox News. :D
Amen. Wanna go start our own board? You're the only person that ever says anything that makes sense to me. We could sit around and reassure each other that we're right about everything.

It'll be just like Fox News. :D

Wow, a modicum of respect, the most rare commodity on a message board. Thank you. :)

I wish I had Scott's time for my own board.

Maybe we can just buy one of these CDs Hypnosis Motivation CD/MP3. Then we can feel reassured all the time, minus the annoying talking points to support our precarious political position. :)

Scott, Is there any way to set up my ignore list so I only hear from you and M Sparks?:D;)
Yeah, I already have an iPhone... I am a little ashamed...

My only solace is that 2 of the biggest Apple nuts I know hate the iPhone. Why, I don't know. I guess it's too mainstream, and too easily interfaces with a PC.

I'd actually go for the G1, but T-mobile has no 3G service in Cleveland.
Fox Business question

Is Fox Business suppose to be in a particular package? I do not have it listed on my guide at all. I have 9477 but 9476 isn't listed at all. I thought that if it isn't in my package I would a least see it in red??? I have silver package HD with platinum HD

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