Found a new way to kill weeds & grass

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Alright i tried the vinegar and soap the weeds are brownish looking now but there not gone yet, should give them another dose? I was thinking of trying something crazy like bleach and vinegar what you guys think, i know this is sure to irritate those weeds for good.
I just dumped a bunch of rock salt around the base of a few problem trees, a few that are blocking the satellites and one that drips sticky sap on my cars and is ruining the paint.

I'll keep dumping stuff on them until they are far beyond dead. Those trees must die. :dev
No it doesn't matter though the older stuff that's been around for a while like borax or one of the others but I would avoid the newer stuff that has all the added stuff like anti bacterial or skin softeners so go with the cheapo stuff.

I would recommend Borax. I work for a company that manufactures agricultural chemicals and we have made herbicides in the past that used Borax in the formula.
What you are suggesting is highly illegal. If you poison his trees he can take you to court and make you pay the fair value of the trees (if well established trees, this will likely be very very expensive). You have no right to do anything to the trees on HIS property. You do however have the legal right to trim any branches that come across the property line.

The trees are garbage trees of no value what so ever.
The one over my driveway drops enormous limbs on my roof and his roof, causing damage. The other in the back yard drop limbs on my power line and his power line causing expensive damage.

He has told me if I want to cut them down I can. Sure. Like I can do that.
He knows I can't afford to pay someone to cut them down. He most certainly can afford to, he just is too cheap and lazy to do it himself. He has said a few times he would remove them but he never does. He's just letting them fall apart slowly.

Because he gave me permission to cut them down I will instead just poison them and let them die. And when they fall on my power line, again, I will again bill him for the repairs, just like I did a few months ago. And I'll have him get up on my roof and take his limbs down too.

The tree sap situation on my cars is unbearable. In one day enough sap drips on them that you can't even see out the windows. It's impossible to wash it off, you have to scrub it off. It's ruining the paint too, a white car I have, it's turning it black and green. Even the car wash won't take the stuff off of it.
I'm sick of having to scrub the windows and door handles every time I need to go to the store.

The one in the back that wrecks my power line stuff, it also messes with the satellite, it's in the way of White Springs. So it's gotten a big fat dose of bye-bye salt as well. I'll go buy more salt and I'll put it on them until they are just faded memories.

I just think it's really crappy of the guy to put the burden of removing them on me. They are HIS trees in his yard but they cause ME all the trouble. They are right on the property line and both lean over the line into my yard. I could cut them off at 4 feet tall without encroaching on his side. That's how much the lean over the line into my yard.

So since he won't deal with them, I will, in my own way. And again, I repeat, I do have his permission to saw them down. So I'm legally in the clear on poisoning them. I'm just doing it in a subversive manner. :dev
The trees are garbage trees of no value what so ever.
The one over my driveway drops enormous limbs on my roof and his roof, causing damage. The other in the back yard drop limbs on my power line and his power line causing expensive damage.

He has told me if I want to cut them down I can. Sure. Like I can do that.
He knows I can't afford to pay someone to cut them down. He most certainly can afford to, he just is too cheap and lazy to do it himself. He has said a few times he would remove them but he never does. He's just letting them fall apart slowly.

Because he gave me permission to cut them down I will instead just poison them and let them die. And when they fall on my power line, again, I will again bill him for the repairs, just like I did a few months ago. And I'll have him get up on my roof and take his limbs down too.

The tree sap situation on my cars is unbearable. In one day enough sap drips on them that you can't even see out the windows. It's impossible to wash it off, you have to scrub it off. It's ruining the paint too, a white car I have, it's turning it black and green. Even the car wash won't take the stuff off of it.
I'm sick of having to scrub the windows and door handles every time I need to go to the store.

The one in the back that wrecks my power line stuff, it also messes with the satellite, it's in the way of White Springs. So it's gotten a big fat dose of bye-bye salt as well. I'll go buy more salt and I'll put it on them until they are just faded memories.

I just think it's really crappy of the guy to put the burden of removing them on me. They are HIS trees in his yard but they cause ME all the trouble. They are right on the property line and both lean over the line into my yard. I could cut them off at 4 feet tall without encroaching on his side. That's how much the lean over the line into my yard.

So since he won't deal with them, I will, in my own way. And again, I repeat, I do have his permission to saw them down. So I'm legally in the clear on poisoning them. I'm just doing it in a subversive manner. :dev

I would really do some thinking you do this. While he gave you permission to CUT them, cutting and poisoning them are two different things. I would just trim the limbs that are over your property and be done with it.

Edit: I see you already did this. Poor decision. If it were me, and I owned the trees and found out about this, I would consider legal action against you. I hope the trees do not fall on any property (house, car, another tree, bushes, ect) of either of yours, not to mention someone.
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You do realize that if there is one that is on a power cable if you just call the power utility they will come cut it right? They don't want a tree to fall on their line anymore than you do (because when it falls it is likely to be at a bad time and not at a time they have scheduled). As far as the other tress I think you're an idiot for poisoning them. It is really not that expensive to get someone to come cut them. This is assuming that you seriously don't know a single person with a chainsaw. Honestly I hope they fall on your car. That would serve you right for taking care of them the wrong way. Just my opinion.
You do realize that if there is one that is on a power cable if you just call the power utility they will come cut it right? They don't want a tree to fall on their line anymore than you do (because when it falls it is likely to be at a bad time and not at a time they have scheduled). As far as the other tress I think you're an idiot for poisoning them. It is really not that expensive to get someone to come cut them. This is assuming that you seriously don't know a single person with a chainsaw. Honestly I hope they fall on your car. That would serve you right for taking care of them the wrong way. Just my opinion.

Whatever.. I'm sorry I even said anything in here about it, period. If I had known people would be jerks about it I would have kept it to myself.

I'm done with this. Best wishes to you all. Not... :neener
That's the problem, you don't even understand that you have done something wrong.
That's the problem, you don't even understand that you have done something wrong.
True. The other problem is, this tree will more than likely die and break apart in pieces over time. It probably will not all drop at the same time. So chances are, the posters problems will be worse. A limb here, a limb there, ect.
Cutting it down, or trimming the branches over his/her property would have saved him/her some trouble.
Dee_ Ann wrote:
So since he won't deal with them, I will, in my own way. And again, I repeat, I do have his permission to saw them down. So I'm legally in the clear on poisoning them. I'm just doing it in a subversive manner.
Unfortunately getting verbal permission and getting it backed up are two different things.
Since the deed is done, I think I would try to get the guy to sign-off on something in writing for CYA legal purposes, worded as "....permission to use whatever mechanical or chemical means necessary to remove encrouching trees,limbs and branches creating a meanace and danger to property owned by...." or similar verbiage. If he questions "chemical means", reply that you read that to completely dispose of unwanted trees one should use a chemical for treating the stumps to insure the tree doesnt sprout sapplings and cause more problems:rolleyes: Adding something like "[Dee_Ann] agrees to accept responsibility for all damages and expenses (you already are anyway) which may occur to [Dee_Ann's] property as a result of performing acts necessary to eliminate the encrouching tree problem. Then you can present it as "just trying to protect both of ya'lls interests and avoid any future legal issues" inferring that you may persue legal recourse if he doesnt agree to put it in writing. If he takes you to court after that you have his written consent for your method.
He is responsible for any and all damages cause by his trees. You may have to document the less major (car/windshields issues) and expenses and be prepared to defend your actions if/when the time comes. Damages to your home or other structures are worth pursuing in court, your homeowners insurance will love to do that. Faced with an estimate for current and future damages he may elect to eliminate sources of potential future damages on his own. Yuo can add the court costs to your small claims suit and if you win and will likely get that awarded as well.
The utility co should respond to a report of branch encrouchment on their right of way, but if it is the secondary side feed and is not on their right of way that is "in danger" they may tell you you are on your own. Again that is ammo for future damages, but it sounds like the guy doesnt really care about what might happen until it does.
You should probably address any "leaning/cutting to 4' stumps" you can now, even if it means paying to get it done or having a friend (your helpful neighbor?) etc, do the cutting and piece-milling the disposal of the refuse. Take some "before" pics to support you leaning/encroaching complaints for future reference, especially before you cut anything.
Be aware, if one of the injured or dead trees are still standing during the next major storm and it falls on his or you structure, the insurance companies may find you responsible and refuse to pay.
Some people say fences make the best neighbors. Personally I prefer two fences with a 30' wide bar ditch between them and an acre of land before that in each direction.....MY version of the perfect personal HOA :rolleyes: but I will probably die before I get it that good.
Yes foil hat wearing, conspiricy theorist, and anti-social.....
If you would have done a little more you would have found that this tactic was used by the Romans to destroy Carthage and scatter the population after the third time Rome was attacked by the Carthaginians. They laid waste to the lands and made them barren by salting the lands. They actually plowed salt into the fields.

This was in B. C. 149.

See ya
I saw a show on The History Channel recently about such, in the same time period, but I thought it was a Greek Ruler ( dont recall which one) that burned villages, crops, killed livestock and salted water source in his own kingdom as he retreated from the Roman army to stop their pursuit. It worked, but that is the ultimate "If I cant have it nobody can" attitude.
One no chemical (yet admittedly a bit radical) solution to weed control would be to gut out a microwave oven, re-assemble the transmitter components to a Ghostbuster looking apperatus, with a GOOD solid metalic reflector, climb in your radiation suit (every self respecting conspiracy theorist has one in there hidden bomb shelter, right?) and begin eradicating your weed problem.
Hmmmmm........ this might be a solution to that neighborhood dog that thinks my yard is his personal toilet. Wonder how close I'd need to be........
On second thought I think I'll just stick with my systemic chemical treatment for the unwanted foliage. For the dog, the 9mm Glock might be the best solution.:cool:
Hey Dee_ann I hope all goes well. I am not disagreeing or agreeing with your decision. I doubt very seriously they will bring out the tree coroner to see how it died.
No one knows your situation except you. I recently had 5 hybrid poplars cut down. It cost me $450.00 & that was me cleaning up the mess. I think I may have killed these trees by spraying roundup on the sprouts coming out of the root system over a 4 or 5 year period(another story). They were all dead, extremely tall & in such a place I could not fall them myself without going into my garage, the road or power lines.
The best neighbors are the ones considerate enough to to respect your privacy & property. Unfortunately we all have different opinions and ideals that cannot be easily agreed on. I believe if the trees are on his property he should be responsible for any removal or nuisance they cause.
I have had my own ways of dealing with my neighbor's neglect, mainly with their cows getting into my yard leaving deep ruts & destroying flowers & shrubs. I asked politely on many occasions for them to fix fence to prevent this. Their reply was always the same, "We have insurance, so if they damage anything just let us know & we will take care of it." After many times sprinting through the yard in circles chasing cows, I bought a BB gun. I now have those cows well trained! About 10 pumps with the BB gun and a shot to the hind quarters I do not have that problem anymore.
Every circumstance is different and it is very easy to be an armchair internet judge. What is wrong or immoral may not be to someone else, we are not in their shoes. To Dee_ann, do whatever you feel like you have to do. That is my 2 cents worth. :up:up
As I recall from my Mother Earth days (dont act so surprized Hybrid Poplars were bred to be fast growing (6-8 ft/yr as I recall) and only live 5-6 years. They were primarily grown for a renewable woodburners source. I was going to order some saplings and check them out, but further study indicated they would not fair well in the hi pH soil native to the area. If they were 45-60 ft and died I can see how you had a problem on your hands.
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