Former Dish Net / New Customers Read This

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I'm sure this is a stupid question, but I can't figure it out. Is there a button to view live TV if you are running on a cache of 10 or 15 minutes?
There is no <Live> button.. You just press FF (??), then the Skip Fwd (???) till you catch up to live. Or you can change the channel and go back, but that dumps the whole live buffer unless you are recording.
Hey I have some general questions about the D* DVR technology, I have done research on their site but still have some questions as the explanations on the D* site are typically brief and I feel may be leaving out some information...

for the HD DVR in every room feature, say you have 4 rooms, would you be able to watch recorded events on all 4 rooms with one receiver? Would you also be able to watch and record live tv in all 4 rooms with one receiver? Would you need another receiver in each of the rooms? Or is it possible to do 2 recvrs/4 room somewhat like E*. Would it be a monthly charge for the other receivers?

Also if I ever needed a tech visit, how much would it be for the service call with the protection plan, and without? what would the cost be if the receiver went out and needed a replacement with the protection plan, would there be a shipping charge?

Thank you so much :) and if my wording doesn't make sense I apologize, this stuff is somewhat complicated on paper
1 dvr can only record 2 things at once
if you want to pause at each tv you will need a dvr at each tv
every room will need a unit, dvr or non dvr
its $6 per box fee 4 rooms = $18, first is free
Interesting note for the Whole House DVR functionality. You can only use 1 remote stream at a time. I initially requested 1 HR24 and two HD boxes (H24, I think). When I tried to watch two different programs on the H24 boxes, I got an error message that the list was in use. After calling tech support, they told me that two programs can be watched at the same only ONLY if one of the programs is being watched on the DVR. Since I'd only had the service for a day and the whole house DVR was the feature that sold me on DTV (from E*), the rep offered to give me another DVR at no cost (yeah D*!).

Anyone wishing to watch more than one program, please be aware of how the service is designed.
New Customer Rant?

I just went from AT&T U-Verse to DirecTV, I think it will work out but it seems to be a learning curve. :eek: When I call the Satellite company to sign-up they gave all kinds of song and dance.:rant: When the installer shows up different song and dance.:confused:
Also DIRECT SAT; said that I would have whole house DVR service.....:mad: Wrong it only works on HD Receivers....:mad: I am glad that I ordered 2 of them. The Installer said that it will only work on the HD receiver box and the DVR Box.:neener

If I had not called my Cable company and cancelled service the day before I think I would have told the installer to take a hike.:(

The company DIRECT SAT TV, said I needed to pay a fee of a $69.89, then after the installer was done he said I needed to pay him $95.00 for a heavy Duty Bracket to hold the HD Dish up to the eve of the roof. (live and learn).

I really have no complaint with the install the two men that came out and installed the system did an excellent job. You would never even know that they had been here to do the work when they were done. :D
As for the rest of the experience I think I will sit back and punt. Also I was told that I would receive teh fox sports programing package as part of the deal wrong:mad: guess again I will talk to DirecTv about that also.
I needed the set up so I could have it in my RV and Home so, I guess I will live with it. I am going to call DirecTV Customer Service later this morning and lt them know I am somewhat dissatisfied, I should have called DirecTV directly from one of my old bills that I found in my drawer in my filling cabinet, and talked to them instead of DIRECT SAT.
Phone or Internet connection is not required to get MRV.

I just have Direct installed on 4/3. I ordered 1 DVR with MRV, 2 HD boxes and 1 SD box. Four TVs total. The installer installed the dish and had everything hooked up. All of my TVs worked so I signed the agreement which was sitting on my kitchen table. The installer had explained to me how the DVR worked and I asked him before he left if he would should me how the MRV worked. He told me that since I did not have an internet connection next to my DVR the MRV could not be installed. The installer insisted that MRV service could not be installed without an internet connection. I have a wireless network in my house but he told me that the connection would have to be hard wired and indicated that this would be impossible since my router and modem is in an upstairs room. I could not believe that this guy was asking me how to do his job! I told him that if he could not provide me with what I contracted for I did not want the service. I took the signed agreement and ripped it into pieces. He called his supervisor and the supervisor must have straightened him out. In a short time I had MRV service! It amazes me that Direct would have such an inexperienced installer sent to my house. There was not language problem because the guy spoke perfect english. The installer was a nice guy and I didn't call Direct to complain but he almost gave me a heart attack when he told me he couldn't give me MRV service. I never did sign another agreement.

I am really enjoying the Direct TV experience now that my blood pressure is back to normal. LOL

One question I do have is how can I program the MRV to enable deletions from all locations? The installer had set it to no deletions from the other locations. I can view from all locations but can't delete. Thanks for your help and letting me vent.
It amazes me that Direct would have such an inexperienced installer sent to my house. There was not language problem because the guy spoke perfect english. The installer was a nice guy and I didn't call Direct to complain but he almost gave me a heart attack when he told me he couldn't give me MRV service. I never did sign another agreement.

I am really enjoying the Direct TV experience now that my blood pressure is back to normal. LOL

One question I do have is how can I program the MRV to enable deletions from all locations? The installer had set it to no deletions from the other locations. I can view from all locations but can't delete. Thanks for your help and letting me vent.
Sounds like me 2 months ago. :)

I was surprised at the installers lack of knowledge about some items, but in the end got it right. He wanted me to sign the contract before he'd start and I said no way. Then there was an awkward couple of minutes while he thought of what he was going to do. Finally he started and I signed it after I was mostly happy with the install. I got a survey call a couple days later and was truthful and accurate, but he likely didn't look very good according to the results. He did show me his ID at first though!

MRV Deletion:
Menu > Setup > System > Whole Home > Share Playlist > Allow Deletion

Do it on all your DVR's if that's what you want. It worked for me.
stonecold, I did some research here and it seems to me there's no need for internet connection to have MRV. I"d like to confirm that, as I haven't moved to my new place yet, but I'd like to have Directv running there as soon as possible, even before moving my internet there. Also, once I set up my internet connection, can I connect the HD DVR receiver to the network via an wireless USB adapter? Also, does the HD DVR allows to extend its capacity by adding an external Hard Drive, like the Dish network receivers? Finally, one thing that, from the other posts wasn't too clear to me: If I do MRV, what's the advantage of having 2 DVRs instead of 1?
stonecold, I did some research here and it seems to me there's no need for internet connection to have MRV. I"d like to confirm that, as I haven't moved to my new place yet, but I'd like to have Directv running there as soon as possible, even before moving my internet there. Also, once I set up my internet connection, can I connect the HD DVR receiver to the network via an wireless USB adapter? Also, does the HD DVR allows to extend its capacity by adding an external Hard Drive, like the Dish network receivers? Finally, one thing that, from the other posts wasn't too clear to me: If I do MRV, what's the advantage of having 2 DVRs instead of 1?

im not stonecold but.......
i do not have internet due to my rural location, and my mrv works fine
however if you want to hook it up i suggest having the internet there and having the installer do it all
adding an ehd replaces the internal one
2 dvrs allows you to record 4 streams at once, 1 dvr is only 2 streams (dish can do up to 4 2 sat 2 ota on some models)
as far as number of streams that can be shown on the different tvs in the house, with 2 dvrs how many would I be able to watch compared to 1 dvr?

Re the Internet, would you elaborate on why? I am fairly tech savvy.
if the dvr is in use at its tv it can stream to 1 other receiver
if not then 2 other receivers

on the Internet - they have to run another cable in to some location, and hook it to the internet connection part.
im sure you could do it, imho its just easier to have it all done by the tech if hes there anyway
on the Internet - they have to run another cable in to some location, and hook it to the internet connection part.
im sure you could do it, imho its just easier to have it all done by the tech if hes there anyway
I just want to confirm the above: Wireless connection, using an USB device or some other wireless adapter, to the DVR isn't an option?
I just want to confirm the above: Wireless connection, using an USB device or some other wireless adapter, to the DVR isn't an option?

iirc, if you want to used the approved method it takes another run of cable and their adapter.
mrdam thanks for takign the time to help me. Based on what I read, I am going to go for the install w/out the Internet, and I may buy this unit from Amazon and do the Internet setup myself: Cisco-Linksys WET610N Dual-Band Wireless-N Gaming and Video Adapter: Electronics

My router will be VERY far away from where the DVR(s) will be, I don't want to have the hassle of running ethernet cables everywhere, nor I want to have to deal with sheetrock, etc any more. I won't have to deal with cables for the actual Directv install 'cause there's a Directv dish already on the house, which is connected to the coax box that distributes coax cables everywhere in the house.

Furthermore, if I don't have Internet connected to the set up boxes, is all that I am losing On Demand Content? If so, we rarely do On demand anyway, DVR and live tv typically suffices for our viewing needs. MY Dish 722k ethernet port doesn't appear to be working for the last 6 months or so and I did not even bother calling them anway, 'cause I think we only watched 1 On Demand Dish program anyways - Even with Comcast, I think the only reason back then I watched On Demand was to compensate, at the time, for the lack of HD programming choices.
there are a few other things the internet gives you
mainly apps
but since i dont have it i cant comment on them

there may be another way to do it and im sure someone will chime in
almost forgot will that type of distribution work with swm and the power module required?
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Charlotte HD's unavailable

HR25 and 18 inch dish
