High-Def DVD Growth Passing Standard DVDs
Video Business can't make up its mind!
High-def DVD grows at faster pace than standard - 1/25/2008 - Video Business
The format war cost home entertainment in 2007 - 1/21/2008 - Video Business
Video Business can't make up its mind!
High-def DVD grows at faster pace than standard - 1/25/2008 - Video Business
The format war cost home entertainment in 2007 - 1/21/2008 - Video Business
Too bad Warner won't admit it was the 500 million...Washington, D.C. (January 27, 2008) -- High-Definition DVD player sales are passing standard DVD players at the same point in each format's life.
That's according to an article by Video Business.
Paul Erickson, director of DVD market research for DisplaySearch, cites declining Blu-ray and HD DVD player prices as the reason for the faster growth.
HD DVD players are now under $200 while Blu-ray players can be purchased for less than $400. Blu-ray and HD DVD are competing formats for the new high-def disc audience.
Standard DVD player prices fell more slowly in the first few years because there was no format war to prod lower prices.
Consequently, consumer acceptance of the high-def DVD player has been more rapid than it was for the standard DVD player, according to DisplaySearch.
"There is a much larger spike at the end of the year for next-generation DVD due to strong performances by both formats for November and December, as well as heavy competition-driven promotions for both Black Friday and the December holiday season," Erickson told Video Business.
Sony, the leading Blu-ray booster, has predicted that the format will replace the standard DVD in the next several years.