I'm sure you wouldn't be happy if your boss decided to not give you your paycheck on time.
Yeah but you won't harass him the way they do
I'm sure you wouldn't be happy if your boss decided to not give you your paycheck on time.
Okay my point was that sometimes people get frustrated when things go wrong and need to vent. I am not saying that he is right. He isn't. I am just saying that everybody got very nasty with him. You take people saying negative things about E* WAY too seriously. You take it as a personal attack. It is just TV. It's not life or death. Maybe he didn't reply was because you all attacked him. This forum is for people to get help and to share their experiences. There is just way too much attacking of other people for the sake of TV! TV people!! Really??
Not saying you should sympathize with him, but instead of calling him a deadbeat, how about just ignoring him. He was talking about what he thought about Dish, not talking about you personally. Why was there a need to slam him?
Dish has done this to me before too. I used to have autopay, but then they "accidentally" double charged my account. I called them the same day, and they managed to get it straightened out -- but it took them 20 days to get the money back in my account. And guess what? I didn't call them 3 or 4 times a day to ask about my money, interrupt their computers to get my money, or any of the other stuff that Dish does to consumers.
Now, I pay my bill within 20 days of the due date. I figure, if they can keep my money for 20 days, I can keep theirs.
You have had people complain about the Turbo-HD packages and guess what?? They were called a whiner and complainer by 99 percent of the people. They were told to quit Dish and go somewhere else. Anyone else noticing a pattern here.
people like him will be the reason why dish someday will come out with a plan that makes you pay by the day the service period starts are they will shut it off right away