The more I thought about it, the more I realize that the three choices left
Dish, Direct and Comcast in my opinion are just not worth the money, all are very overpriced for what HD content they give you. And no matter what the price I just don't see the value of it.

I get 41 OTA local digital and HD channels with my Weingard Digital Antenna and rotor and I'll subscribe to NetFlix for an unlimited amount of DVD for about $ 13.00 per month rental. I'll kind of be my own service prvider

Comcast two room setup with HD DVR and the VaVaComcast package
even with the $ 25.00 per month / 16 month bonus still costs about $150. per month with fees and taxes , Direct requires equipment and Tivo which amounts to a monthly change just for the prividlge of having a HD DVR which is BullSh*t and the Dish option just seems valueless.

give me Voom or Give me (OTA) and NetFlix's

That my alternative
the Voomster