For Germans in America: GermanTV ends in December this year

micheal-berlin, which was better -german tv (ard, zdf, deutsch welle) or prosiebensat.1-welt?

i think the choice for german-tv lovers after dec 2005 is prosiebensat.1-welt rather than dwtv, stimmt?
of course! P7S1 is the better choice!

They don't bring films to you but the series and shows are very nice. And the news (from N24) are the best in Germany. P7S1 is the biggest broadcaster here in Germany ... better than RTL Group and ARD/ZDF! P7S1 was the first HDTV provider here in Germany :D

My favorits are "TV Total" with Stefan Raab and "Der Bulle von Toelz" with Ottfried Fischer. (maybe there are some commercials on the sites ... "schließen" means "close" ;) )
And P7S1 brings Bundesliga soccer live to the USA!

More information and guides ... in English in German
well i called dishnetwork and they didn't know anything about this. the rep said she'll let her supervisors know about it. i couldn't change from german tv to prosiebensat.1-welt without having to set up a new installation date and time. she advised to make the switch after the installation if i didn't want to risk re-scheduling.

as i'm typing this i thought of something. i can just keep my order the way it is and see what german tv was like -at least for a month. then i can say years from now 'oh yeah i remember german tv with ard, zdf those were the good ol' days' i'll be able to witness a classic (german tv with ard, zdf ) before it goes into extinction forever. also, unless i travel to germany, i'll be able to see and experience ard and zdf (germany's orginal tv stations) for awhile.

also, i might want to think about not being so cheap and just order the german package with both channels and then cancel one if or when it goes bad.

german tv was 1 yr old as of last week friday
hmmm ... I don't know the english word for "Sonderkündigungsrecht" :(
But in Germany you have the right to cancel your subscription if your provider (in your case it's DISH - in my case it would be KABEL DEUTSCHLAND) or your package has a change. If Kabel Deutschland would kick NASN (North American Sports Network) out of the package, then I have the right to stop the subscription immediately.
i believe that word translated would be 'special customer rights' sonder = special like besonders = especially kunstler = artist kunden = customer kaufer = buyer verkaufer = seller ausverkauft = sold out rechter = judge rechts = rights verkehr = traffic verkehrgescwedenkeitrechts = traffic speedlimit rights

i'd have to cancel the install Termin und re-schedule ein nuen Termin, dass ich muss tun als ich P7S1 will.
For Oktoberfest I tried to find a live, recordable feed from DE to put on DVD- or at least a prerecorded program showing the festivities. OTA, net or Dish. An easily recorded webcam would have been sufficient, but no go. I considered subscribing to the German offerings on Dish, but heard about the pending shut down- and I was out of time to get the 61.5 dish installed, anyway. Digital channel 50 in Northern VA had some snippets of coverage, but very little (that I caught, anyway). This was for an in-law who was at Oktoberfest and wanted some recorded memories- but refused to carry a camera. After the fact Oktoberfest DVDs were only from a couple of years ago. You'd really think there'd be a lot of interest in the REAL Oktoberfest.

With the explosion of international programming becoming available, it seems very odd that German TV is dwindling away to nothing.

Your English is more than good enough. I learned at an early age that I couldn't teach myself German. IIRC, I got as far as calling someone a, shall we say, "donkey" and making an improper suggestion to a lady. Very early age.

Surely SOME German offerings will return. With English subtitles, I hope. I'd watch the Russian OTA programming if they'd put in English subtitles- looks like good stuff.
@Mike: Nice signature :D
Sonder = Special
Kündigung = canceling of a contract
Recht = Right (rights)
maybe a special right to cancel a contract :)

@navichop: I could record the Oktoberfest and burn it on a DVD
But we Germans don't like the Oktoberfest. It's a bavarian thing. I guess, 90% of Oktoberfest's guests came from other countries (most from Japan, USA, UK). We germans are flying to "Mallorca" ... an island in the south of Spain :D "Malle" is our big fat beer-paradise :D
response from german tv

This was the response from german tv. i had written them in english too.

maybe someone can translate this.

Sehr geehrter Herr TerMaa...,

zu unserem Bedauern müssen wir bestätigen, dass GERMAN TV, das deutschsprachige
Pay-TV-Programm von ARD, ZDF und Deutsche Welle, zum 31. Dezember 2005 seinen
Sendebetrieb einstellt.
Allerdings erhalten Sie ab Januar 2006 das deutsche Auslandsfernsehen DW-TV.

Grund ist die fehlende Finanzierung des Projekts über das Jahr 2005 hinaus.
GERMAN TV war am 08. April 2002 in den USA gestartet worden. Für das Projekt
hatte der Deutsche Bundestag eine Anschubfinanzierung über zunächst vier Jahre
bewilligt. Ziel war es, mit einer ausreichend hohen Zahl von Abonnenten
mittelfristig die Selbstfinanzierung des Pay-TV-Kanals zu gewährleisten. Der
Break Even-Point von 70.000 Kunden hätte innerhalb von sieben Jahren erreicht
werden sollen.

Aufgrund der Ihnen bekannten dramatischen Etatlage der öffentlichen Hand in
Deutschland haben die zuständigen Ausschüsse des Deutschen Bundestages bei ihren
Beratungen Ende Juni 2005 keine Möglichkeit gesehen, dass im kommenden
Haus-haltsjahr (2006) erneut Mittel für GERMAN TV eingestellt werden. Die
Parlamentsausschüsse waren aber der Meinung, dass sich die Kooperation zwischen
den Landesrundfunkanstalten der ARD, dem ZDF und der Deutschen Welle bei dem
Projekt eines gemeinschaftlichen Auslandsfernsehens bewährt haben. Sie haben
dafür ausgesprochen, diese Kooperation fortzusetzen und wenn möglich auszubauen.
Die Deutsche Welle wird daher gemeinsam mit den Landesrundfunkanstalten der ARD
und dem ZDF nach alternativen Wegen suchen, die mediale Außenrepräsentanz
Deutschlands durch ein verbessertes deutsches Auslandsfernsehen zu stärken.

Bis dieses erreichbar ist, empfangen die Abonnenten von GERMAN TV vom 01. Januar
2006 an das Programm des deutschen Auslandsfernsehens DW-TV. Dieses wird von der
Deutschen Welle produziert und ist weltweit via Satellit präsent. DW-TV hat ein
klares Profil als Nachrichten-, Informations- und Kulturprogramm aus der Mitte
Europas. Das 24-stündige Programm in deutscher und englischer Sprache bringt
Nachrichten sowie politische und wirtschaftliche Informationen aus deutscher und
europäischer Sicht. Es vermittelt deutsche und europäische Kultur und
Wertevorstellungen. An Deutschland und Europa interessierte Zuschauer haben auf
diesem Wege die Möglichkeit, sich aus erster Hand über die Ereignisse und
Entwicklungen dort zu informieren. Nähere Informationen zu DW-TV finden Sie
unter auf der Website der Deutschen Welle.

Der Beschluss, die Förderung von GERMAN TV nicht fortzusetzen, ist den
Ausschüssen des Deutschen Bundestages nicht leicht gefallen. Sie sind jedoch
zuversichtlich, dass mit DW-TV sowie den anderen Medien der Deutschen Welle –den
Programmen von DW-RADIO sowie dem Internetangebot – insgesamt eine
qualita-tiv hochwertige mediale Außenrepräsentanz Deutschlands gewährleistet

Mit freundlichen Grüßen


Ah yes, I know about Mallorca (also spelled Majorca)- never quite made it there, though. :(

You have some Oktoberfest recordings from this year? I'd love to get a DVD of anything- it would be a nice present for Father Christmas to bring my relative. PM me and we can discuss reimbursement.

Malle, as in Belgium?
i think i caught that they admit DWTV will be in both german and english.

ein wichtig und spannen aufgabe zu unternehmen

navychop, all int'l channels come off of 121 -not 61.5. i think 61.5 is ExpressVu (Kanada) and SkyAngel. we have a 18" dish pointed to the 61.5 currently and we still have to get a SuperDish121 for the int'l programming.
Not all internationals are on 121, per this site. A few Arabic & Korean stations are on 61.5. But you're right, I was thinking of my local DC area stations, which are on 61.5. Either way, by the time he asked for me to do the recording, there was no time to get an antenna install. He took his daughter on the trip (wife did not want to go) and had a great time. If I had subscribed and took the locals I could've ended up with 3 dishes. Not a good way to please She Who Must Be Obeyed.

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