FLASH: Dish 811 now $199 for Existing Customers!

If you guys have a local dealer shown on your account I bet you will have to buy the 811 from that dealer to get the $199 deal. I think dish is trying to help its local dealers by not undercutting them.
Just called CSR at Dish :? .

I told the CSR that I currently do not have HD, so I am wanting to upgrade one of my 301's to the new 811. I would also getting HD pack.

The CSR told me they currently do not have any offers for DHP customers who want to upgrade to 811 but I could get a deal from my local retailer who I purchased my original hardware from.

I told the CSR that I ordered everything from Dish over 2 years ago
and had not idea who the retailer was.

CSR put me on hold for 5 minutes. When CSR came back I was told that starting tomorrow that they would be offering a upgrade deal
to DHP customers.

The CSR would not give me the details and told me to call back tomorrow. I am not holding my breath. :?

So I will continue to wait :(
I called yesterday and asked who did my original install and she couldn't find out from the records on her computer.
No they don't have a record of my dealer because I bought my equipment from Target and installed it myself and all the equipment I have bought after that came from Ebay or straight from Dish Network.
They might not know who your original dealer was they may just mark the account that you bought your system from a local dealer but this is just a guess because I do not work for Dish Network.
Sounds like the entire marketing department at DISH (including Charlie) must be either into heavy duty S&M or smoking some really good stuff. I was just about to sign up as a new subscriber, but all this post-sale discrimination and mis-treatment to loyal customers is just too much for me to endure. I'm seriously thinking about sticking with cable and standard definition. I don't mind spending money that is my job as a consumer, but I don't want or expect to be treated like a piece of s*** in return.
classithings said:
all this post-sale discrimination and mis-treatment to loyal customers is just too much for me to endure. I'm seriously thinking about sticking with cable and standard definition. I don't mind spending money that is my job as a consumer, but I don't want or expect to be treated like a piece of s*** in return.

They're not so much malicious as just clueless.
811 deal

MikeHDTulsa said:
Hi, You guys that don't have your original dealers have to buy the 811 directly from Dish Network and they are taking orders now. I can get it for $149 and they will install any necessary switches.

Mike, how can you get it for $149 when the offer says it is $199??
Is this for "special customers" only?
The DISH deals seem like intentional greed to me. If I read these posts correctly, it seems like in the end everybody gets screwed except DISH. For starters, Dish acts like the street corner dope dealer and hooks consumers with below cost deals then turns around and makes retailers or installers completed the deal without being fairly compensated for their effort. If I have misunderstood what is really going on let me know.
I had intended to become a customer but am now very apprehensive.
Classithing, I think as a new customer you are getting the equipment for free which is a good deal but Dish Network has to make that money back in the first couple of years so they will not give you any breaks on other equipment until you have been with them for over two years. As a long time customer Dish has sold me a 501 PVR at $199 and list price was $349, two 508 PVR's at $149 each and list price was $299 each, one 6000 HD receiver with 8VSB module for $159 and list price was $650, and now they are going to sell me a 811 HD receiver for $149 and its list price is $399 so I think that generally they treat new and current customers fair but that is just my opinion.
perUano, I am not sure what makes some of us exclusive customers maybe we need to do a post on it and have each of us exclusive customers post if we did our own installs and activated our first receivers ourself or if it has to do with club dish or if it just happens to be how long we have been a Dish Network customer or maybe it is all the above. Even at $199 I would still be happy to get a 811.
I just received a message from the executive office at E* regarding an 811 deal and DHP customers. The person indicated that DHP customers will pay $149 for an 811 unit. He said the deal will be available Wednesday 12/03/03.
It was a voice message not an e-mail message. I have only been a DHP customer since May 02 so I don't think I would qualify for any long term customer deal. All I did was what other posters have advised, I sent an e-mail to ceo@echostar.com and asked for an 811 deal for DHP customers.