FLASH: Dish 811 now $199 for Existing Customers!

Nick said:
When you signed up for the DHP, you made your deal with the devil.

You already got one deal, now you want another?

Quitcherbitchin! :rolleyes:

Irregardless ( :D ) Dish should be a little more considerate of DHP customers. If it really is costing them that much they should tack on a $50 surcharge for DHP customers - making it a $249 deal... that would be better than locking them out completely...

I was bumped up to an executive assitant in Denver for the VP of Customer Assistance--Lewis. He said that they currently do not have anything for their customers whose ORIGINAL DEALER has gone out of business. He said he would call me as soon as they have something for us. So, if your orginal dealer went out of business as mine did then you are out of luck on this dealer promotion. I informed him that Dish was going to get alot of calls today about this so I suggest tying up their phone services and maybe they will be quick to move on this. Boy, after waiting 6 months I can get one for full price only from one dealer locally, but if this is a dealer promo only I probably will not be able to get one now. He did tell me that I could purchase direct for $399 ---I am really getting steamed up now!!! :evil: :evil: :evil:
Wow, this one is confusing. Retailers must be complaining, so Dish is throwing them a bone? But, if you just called Dish directly and ordered your system wouldn't they give you the deal?

I'm still a bit confused about the swap out thing:

Retailer and customer must agree on a receiver swap-out or receiver add-on arrangement. Swapped out receivers are the property of the customer

So Dish is not requiring the box back, but the individual retailer can? Maybe that's where they're going to make some money. If Dish does offer the deal to Original customers, they are then the retailer and could ask for the box back.

This bugs me, there is a big difference between turning in a model 2000, or a 508.

Rolltide, That just means that your dealer can not come in and take one of your receivers in exchange for the 811 for $199.

I'm not sure that's right, Scott. Seems like the retailer sets the rule (wierd, since different retailers can set different rules).

No matter, I just can't bear trade a PVR for a non-PVR (even for HD). Perhaps if they would wave the additional receiver fee I'd just keep the two stacked up.

(still waiting for the 921......)
(still waiting.....)
(still waiting.....)
Ready Yet?
(still waiting.....)
I talked to the dealer that I purchased my 4000 from (early 1997) but since I installed it and activated it myself they would not be able to offer this 811 deal.

David what I posted came directly from the Retailer Rules on this 811 promotion. Any dealer not following the rules of the promotion could lose their dealership with Dish Network.
Just called my original dealer. Was on the phone with him as he found the deal on the retailer website. Took my order and scheduled me for Friday am @ 10 to install. Will swap out an old 1000. Will then give me a 2700/ 510/ 6000/811 set up. Since the receiver that will have the 811 is backfed to my sons room, it will be a big improvement over the 6000 since it will output both HD & SD at the same time. I'll post about the install Friday.
gpflepsen said:
Here's my situation. I originally ordered my single dish 300 from Dish Network. It was delivered to me and I installed it.

The Dish 500 upgrade came along and I immediately went to a local dealer and they hooked me up. This has been 5-6 years ago, when did the Dish 500 system hit the streets?

Wow, you situation is a lot like mine. Bought a 3000 directly from DISH
MANY moons ago when they first were hitting the scene, and installed it
myself. Several years later they offered a DISH 500 upgrade, which in
my case I got directly from DISH also, and to this day it sits in my basement
having never been installed :P . I've got a single lnb hitting a single bird.
If I want a 811 will DISH sell me one directly for the promotional price.
I've just called DISH.
She didn't know about the promotion,
but was insistant that if it's a "retailer"
promotion, that it would be good thru
any retailer, and one is not obligated to
go thru the same retailer where the equipment
was originally purchased.
Scott, can the DISHStore.NET hook me up?
(I understand that I'll be behind all those previously
on the 811 waiting list.)
She didn't know about the promotion,
but was insistant that if it's a "retailer"
promotion, that it would be good thru
any retailer, and one is not obligated to
go thru the same retailer where the equipment
was originally purchased.

Once again the CSR had no clue what she was talking about. It clearly states in the 811 promotion rules that you MUST use your origional dealer only. And it also states that if a customer buys a 811 from a retailer other then their origional the dealer will not get paid the diffrence in the receiver cost (meaning the dealer will be selling the 811 to you for less then he purchased it for)

Now I know a bunch of good satellite dealers, but I dont think any of them are good enough to sell to people at a loss just because they are good dealers. :)
I am backfeeding the 6000 now, looks like it will able to do the 811 the same way. Using an RF converter with an audio/video output into the RF and the out thru the coax to the other tv. Works fine.
So do you think people who bought their equipment
directly from E* are going to get screwed, or should
we just give them a few days to get their sh*t together and ask again later?
am backfeeding the 6000 now, looks like it will able to do the 811 the same way. Using an RF converter with an audio/video output into the RF and the out thru the coax to the other tv. Works fine

Not really what I was asking:( but thanks for trying
I am still a bit confused. I moved recently using the Dishmover plan (i called Dish and set it up). a local Dish Satellite retailer installed it for me. Does this mean i qualify for the 811 promotion since it was installed by a retailer or am i excluded? oh my aching head....
zvogt said:
So do you think people who bought their equipment
directly from E* are going to get screwed, or should
we just give them a few days to get their sh*t together and ask again later?

That's my thought.
Ransack, according to the rules you would need to get it from your origional dealer.

Changes need to be made to the rules.

Email ceo@echostar.com be sure to tell them you heard about this here, and let them know others are not happy.

Hopefully they will get the message.

If we work together we can MAKE THEM change the rules so this offer is for ALL Existing Dish Customers.

Sorry, Virginia, it looks like there really is no Santa ...

322 User Guide available at Dish website
