Right now mine is not aimed at anything and I have to fix it : (
Last night we had some pretty sustained winds of 30+ mph and all of a sudden I heard a THUD. Yep, dish fell off the 30" table it sits on. Even with the 70 pound sandbag on it the winds were too much. Fell forward onto the deck on its side. Dented one piece of the dish. Punched it and that popped back into place. I haven't hooked it back up but the arms and the dish look like it's in good shape. The edge on that side was all bent but I don't think that affects anything. So right now its sitting on the deck aimed at the house to protect from the winds.
Last night when I was out running a cable I though "maybe I should bolt the front of the "O" ring down but haven't done that yet
Guess I'll do that tonight.
Oh, my! Just read this post, very sorry to hear this! Best of luck!