Fix the 4DTV Ratings Issue and Restore Firmware Back to A4!

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One quick note:
Before you go to the Anik satellite make sure you get a download or what we call a "dump" of your sat tiles and settings.
This way your settings will be in there and also if the sat tiles are overwritten you have a quick way of putting back in everything you had before.
Otherwise, you will be left with a corrupt sat list.
Then when the time is set for you download that bin from the receiver as well.
That 2nd bin with the time set will be the one you want to work on and recreate your own sat tile/channel list from.
Remember at the website there is a file there with the original sat maps before the shutdown, listed as #8 which does have all the anik DC2 settings in it and the generic sat tiles. Just remember all the settings on that file are set for each sat tile as not programmed in so you would have to re-program in all the sat tiles again.
...Then when the time is set for you download that bin from the receiver as well.
That 2nd bin with the time set will be the one you want to work on and recreate your own sat tile/channel list from...

Hmmm, I didn't realize this. So the "clock set" is contained in the bin. Thanks for the tip! I'll be sure to save a new bin while I still have an active sub.

If you sub to some programming and they set your time for you and turn on your guide that is the bin you want to download and save from the receiver.

now remember the guide can be turned off by them when you take a trip counter hit.
As for the time I believe they leave that alone and the trip counter hits do not affect that.
I notice on different receivers here, if the time zone is set by H2H then that stays in the receiver so using a "bin" or "nvram" from before the sub took place will not have the time set properly but only those when it was set by H2H after getting a sub to a few channels and making sure they set my time zone properly.
The guide bit too? That's good to know. If they did turn if off, I guess you could just reload the bin to turn it back on. Of course, it doesn't matter while I'm still subbing. But I may not sub forever, and others may want to sub just long enough to get their clocks set and guides turned on.

There's no thanks or like button in the iPad app... so consider yourself thanked again. :)

Just remember...
the guide can be turned off by them when you take a trip counter hit. if you stop subbing....
so that as soon as you take a hit the guide will be turned off.
And trip counter hits can be taken on Galaxy 17 at 91.0W (certain channels)
and on 103.0 W certain channels there. However because of the way the trip counter hits are now set up it will make your receiver believe it is on X4 and temporarily trick the receiver to show as X4 until you change the channel after taking a trip counter hit.
I believe this is due to the fact that H2H is really only interested in X4 as the only satellite out there no matter what so there is nothing wrong with the receiver it is just the info coming down that is set up improperly.
So if your on G7 and the receiver takes a Trip counter hit, you may see your display (inaccurately) show up as X4 but your actually on G7 but when you change the channel it goes right back to showing as G7.
This only occurs if your sitting on some channel and it receives a trip counter hit from another satellite that is not X4.
My new battery for my 921 should be here anyday now. I want to JTAG an image of my current Starchoice bin, so I have a copy of it. Once I get the battery exchanged, I will active the sub, for a couple of hours to get the clock reset. My next question: What program do I use to JTAG the receiver? Do I use the rear dataport and cable and a specific program to get that image? Currently, I do have a couple of Ku band dishes set up and plan to have a C Band dish up and running soon. Hoping that my 6 foot C Band dish does the trick. Only really interested in a few C Band satellites, mostly at the center and east end of the arc. Right now, I have the Ku's pointed at 87w and 101w.
My new battery for my 921 should be here anyday now. I want to JTAG an image of my current Starchoice bin, so I have a copy of it. Once I get the battery exchanged, I will active the sub, for a couple of hours to get the clock reset. My next question: What program do I use to JTAG the receiver? Do I use the rear dataport and cable and a specific program to get that image? Currently, I do have a couple of Ku band dishes set up and plan to have a C Band dish up and running soon. Hoping that my 6 foot C Band dish does the trick. Only really interested in a few C Band satellites, mostly at the center and east end of the arc. Right now, I have the Ku's pointed at 87w and 101w.

details at
OK, new battery has been put into the 921. I turned on the receiver, pulled the old battery out, and soldered in the replacement. The voltage never dropped below 3.5volts, the whole time, so I assume all is now good to proceed. I would like to take an image of my bin, how would I do this? I have a loader program, that I use on my Viewsat 9000. Can I use the dataport on the 921 to do the same? Will it allow me to take an image of my current bin, if I need to reload? I have not resubbed it yet and the original firmware is there, since it was last updated, about 12 years ago. How should I proceed?
Can I use the dataport on the 921 to do the same? Will it allow me to take an image of my current bin, if I need to reload? I have not resubbed it yet and the original firmware is there, since it was last updated, about 12 years ago. How should I proceed?

please read this thread:
then download the instructions at the link in the web site posted in the first post there.
Those instructions are the only way to do things with the 4d receiver so before you attempt to do anything that will harm your receiver I strongly urge you to read the instructions a few times and thee are links in the instruction pdf that will direct you to the right places for items you will need.
Next step in my C band quest, was mounting the pole plum in the back yard. It's done, now I wait for a new LNB to be delivered. I am having problems finding some 16AWG 4, shielded outside cable, for the actuator arm. The dish is on the ground, ready to be mounted, the actuator is on the outside base, but will wait to tighten it down, until I can work out the kinks on the LNB, when it arrives.

On the main note, I called Shaw Direct about the 921. The tech support person told me, that I can point the 921 to their service, they can activate it, but just decline the trip count. That way, the old channel maps stay intact. All I want, is to reset the clock. Does this sound proper?
On the main note, I called Shaw Direct about the 921. The tech support person told me, that I can point the 921 to their service, they can activate it, but just decline the trip count. That way, the old channel maps stay intact. All I want, is to reset the clock. Does this sound proper?

It may be possible but I thought they needed to send a trip counter to the receiver to do this.
Give it a shot but I would make sure you have a set of maps downloaded out of it before I did it just in case.
That way you can recover from it if it did not go the way you wanted.
Is the file for firmware EC available for download anywhere? I know my 922 had the audio sync problem with one of the firmware versions, so I'm not sure I want to load A4 if I can't go back. None of my memory dump files are the same size as the A4 file, can the current firmware be saved out first? I know there was an unreleased firmware version well before EC rolled out that ATS loaded on my unit to fix the sound sync problem, but I don't know if it had the ratings bug or not, it would be nice to have files for the various versions available.
Just to let you guys know, all is good, since I got the Mapmasters bin on my 921. I completed my system and I was able to stumble on to some programming on 105w, the first day. It's nice to have C Band working, after 15 years without it. It's fun scanning the sky, looking for those feeds. Should be interesting, being Election Night and having the ability to scan for all of the interesting races of the evening. Thank you all for helping me go through the process of reclaimating the 921.
Sorry if in wrong thread, Mod please move if needed, but I am wondering if this can be done with the 920/921 and how? I have the BDM adapterbut I can only program half the Flash.
Is A4 and 922 similar to 920?

My apologies if I hijacked, but great to have joined this Site, it rocks!
If I recall correctly the ratings issue is only a 922 EC problem,and the firmwares are different for 920's/21 from 922's.
You'll have to wait for Stargaze to help with your issue.
The 921's should be the same as the 920 4d receivers.
If I remember correctly both started out with firmware version 27.
920's finished at 6D and the 921's finished at firmware 76.
I do not remember what firmware 61 did or did not do any longer as that was quite a long time ago.
If you wanted to upgrade to firmware 76 I should be able to help out on that as I do have that on my 921 here after I just looked at it.

I do not believe you can use the firmware between a 922 and a 920/921 receiver as the info is stored in different areas.
However the 920 and 921 should be able to be done as they are the same receiver.
But in case it can not there is the version 76 that it could be upgraded to.
As for specific directions on how to do it I am not certain if it is different in the way it is done compared to a 922 receiver.
61, 6D,and 76?

Thank you both for the quick response, amazing, this team here!

My 921 with 61 on it is unable to do anything more than lock, but won't ever load a map.
My 921 with 6d on the same transponder can lock, load a map, and see open video.

I had heard there was a 76, but have no idea what it does that the others don't.
A repair place verbally told me that v61 will not be able to ever load again, so this is why I try upgrading from v61 to v6d.

I just seem unable to reach the 0-0FFFFF range of the AM29F800, (which is only a 1meg chip). I have no difficulty flashing 100000 to 1FFFFF.

Any and all help is appreciated. Stargaze, would it be possible to get a copy of v76? I can send you back v61 and v6D if they interest your curiosity. (PM?)

Thanks folks, much appreciated.

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it is possible to get AMAZONAS 1/2 from o.c california

DSR922 - Procedure to return to service ??

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