First Smartphone, or phone that really impressed you!


AKA Stuart628
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Jul 21, 2004
Akron (Cleveland), Oh
what is the first phone or smartphone that really impressed you? for me it would be the Lgvx6000 as it had lights on the front display and that was the first time I ever saw anything like that...for a smartphone it would be the nokia n95...if you have never seen this phone you need to look it up, it was a impressive little beast!
The one and only smart phone I have ever owned and will continue to own until it dies or becomes so obsolete, my iPhone 3GS.

One nice thing about the 3GS compare to the others is it is still able to get all of the latest software updates, unlike the 3G and older, and it is still able to be JB almost immediately after software updates. Every time a tethered JB comes out and the iPhone 4 or 4S users have to wait months for an untethered version, I am still able to do the untethered JB on my 3GS with the tethered version.
Cingular 2125 by HTC.

First smartphone I used and I loved it. I loved being able to install apps, browse the web, and I also liked how I was able to use audio over bluetooth headset. I remember there was an unofficial Sirius app for it that I would use, and I would listen to it on my headset all over because no one else could hear it and just by looking at me you wouldn't know I was listening to it (I've never liked wearing earbuds in public.) First of 2 Windows Mobile devices I would end up owning (followed by the Motorola Q9h)
Probably the first iPhone, it was $600 on AT&T at the time and I hadn't even heard of Android yet but it was the phone that started the multitouch revolution.

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The helio ocean really impressed me. dual sliders... up for a dialpad across for a keyboard.

i didn't own one but it was very v impressive.

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The palm treo. It took the rock solid palm os that I had always loved and added Internet and a phone. It was so Star Trek, I could not wait to get my hands on one.

I ended up owning two of them. And my wife had one too.

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wow how could I forget about the palm treos...I remember alot of people rocking those!!!!!
And think about it. A screen with icons on it that launches apps.. They were killer.

My son used my Palm Tro 750 for over a year - he loved the keyboard for texting. Then he beat the crap out of it, took my OG Droid, drowned that one (literally), and now is on the DX, but is anxiously awaiting an iPhone this summer. :)
And think about it. A screen with icons on it that launches apps.. They were killer.

My son used my Palm Tro 750 for over a year - he loved the keyboard for texting. Then he beat the crap out of it, took my OG Droid, drowned that one (literally), and now is on the DX, but is anxiously awaiting an iPhone this summer. :)

yep, that phone truly brought about a change in the industry....I never did see a lot of blackberries from "professionals" but amongest the subway clan and alot of business owners I did see the treos.
yep, that phone truly brought about a change in the industry....I never did see a lot of blackberries from "professionals" but amongest the subway clan and alot of business owners I did see the treos.

They were always marketed as business tools. Indeed, they had $45 data plans. OUCH. :)
My complete phone history I think:


One that first impressed me is the 2nd in the list, first phone I could get on the internet with. Most impressed with my Galaxy Nexus. First phone is the Nokia everyone had with all the different interchangeable parts. The Sony to the World Edition BB marks my jump from ATT to Verizon after a billing dispute about overage fees.

Of all of them the worst experience was the BB Storm.

Untethered iOS5 jailbreak for all non-A5 devices

AT&T introducing new data plans

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