First Look: TV2 IR Converter Kit

I'd use it to connect my TiVo Series 2 to the TV2 output on my 622 instead of having to put it on the TV1 output (what a pain).
Woohoo...they FINALLY have this!

Put me down...I'll definitely be buying some regardless. Right now I've got a bedroom TV using the Dish remote, which I'd love to replace with a universal but never could before since I couldn't control the 222's TV2.
I'm going to use this with a Universal Remote MX-900 and MRF-350 basestation in room 2. The MX-900 is an RF remote and the MRF-350 is located in another room with the VIP722. The TV2 IR kit will go directly into the 722 and the MRF-350 will plug directly into the TV2 IR's input. I currently have to use 2 remotes, and now I will need only one.
Use just one controller to control both TV1 HDMI and TV2 coaxial.

:usa I have my 722k for the upstairs living room's flat screen, via TV1 component. The basement also has a flat screen, via TV1 HDMI and TV2 coaxial. Currently, I have to have it in single mode to control the basement's TV1 HDMI with the radio controller.
:flag:This TV2 IR Converter Kit will allow me to keep the 722k in duel mode and use just one controller in the basement to control both TV1 HDMI and TV2 coaxial!
:bounce :bounce :bounce :bounce :bounce :bounce :bounce :bounce :bounce :bounce :bounce :bounce :bounce :bounce :bounce :bounce :bounce
I would like to have one. If I'm not the lucky winner then I'll purchase one when they become available. I hope it will solve my problem with the RF remote getting stuck (not working) sometimes on TV2 :cool: This would be for the 722.
I might as well enter to win as well as this being my first post it'll make the "Hello 300#BigGuy,
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HOT DAMN!!! I've been looking for something to do this since I first got the Slingbox. I'm out of town and out of my local sports market a lot. TV1 is almost always being used but TV2 rarely is...

PLEASE put me down. :D
Enter me please

I could use this for a 625 that I have to use with TV2 in room with receiver because bedroom tv tuner doesn't work and I have to send tv1 signal on channel 3-4 to bedroom...for some reason tv2 remote doesn't work very well in same room as receiver...........IR would help
Would be great to win. I am a relatively new subscriber and love the service. I have my Slingbox connected to the Living room VIP 722k. Since I spend, on average, about two weeks a month overseas the ability to not have conflicts with my (so far!!) understanding wife would be great.
Put me in. Just got the Slingbox Solo and have no way to change the channel.:(

I can't use TV1 on my sling, HDMI to bedroom and component to office.

anyone else having signal dropouts tonight?
