First Look: The New Weather Channel Interactive

i think this is a vary good first step, as long as they follow up with it, has anyone
heard when this is planned? not that i'm rushing it,just curious.
I just expeirenced a glitch I hope they will fix.When I clicked on the radar it caused the weather channel to freeze.I had to get out of it completly then go back and reload twc weather.When it reloaded and I hit the radar it came up and twc didn't freeze.I hope they will catch this.I'm looking foward to getting local on the 8's.
Now that the weather channel interactive weather has been rolled out to all receivers do they intend on leaving instant weather on?It's still on.
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What make people think that local on the 8's is going to be any different then what we are seeing right now? From the Dish website I extrapolate that local on the 8's will be exactly what we are seeing on 100 right now...........we will be prompted to push "select" on the 8 and when we click it we will load the weather interactive program from channel 100. The radar will still be static and there will not be a "forecast" as you get on cable.......
What make people think that local on the 8's is going to be any different then what we are seeing right now? From the Dish website I extrapolate that local on the 8's will be exactly what we are seeing on 100 right now...........we will be prompted to push "select" on the 8 and when we click it we will load the weather interactive program from channel 100. The radar will still be static and there will not be a "forecast" as you get on cable.......

i hope your wrong
This will be different from twc interactive.Dish told me so in an email.They said what you see in local on the 8's is what people with cable see.The only difference is you have to mash select once you see the banner.You will see text forcast and the radar will be just for your state and your area.It will also show the extended forcast as well as the moon phases.It's the slideshow that their talking about.
i think this is a vary good first step, as long as they follow up with it, has anyone
heard when this is planned?

Guys, guys...lets use our E* logic here. Every single, "when will x happen" question can be answer with a simple if/then excercise.

Just ask yourself, "Is the feature/product/progamming in question highly desired?"

If yes, then it will be a very long time or possibly never.

If no, then it will be very soon or it may be available already.

We waited so long for this???? Radar is too small and forecast is not as detailed as on cable. Why did they bother?
Well it now has rolled out to my 622's.

Did I miss something or is there no way to go to full screen with the regular broadcast? ALA CNN Enhanced. Or do we have to wait for weather on the 8's?
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Does everyone have this feature now except for us with 311s? I see that a new software version for the 311s was released on Tuesday. Maybe this is the software we need to get it on our 311s.
Well overall it's a nice feature to have and yes the radar could be bigger but it's better than nothing.
It would be so much easier if Dish just sent everyone a Flat Rock!

Place Rock in center of yard,look out window, if Rock is Wet(It's Raining). If Rock is Dry(50/50 that it's going to be a Dry day) !!:rolleyes:

You could really mess with your neighbors by going over and relieving yourself on their flat rock when it's sunny outside.:D

622 backhaul question

Homeowners Association on the Warpath - Advice Please!
