First Look: Dish Network's DTVPal Digital Converter

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Our records indicate that converter box called the DTVPal should be available this month of June 2008. This DTVPal will be free if the customer has a federal coupon.
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Nima M.
DISH Network eCare
Pine Brook
Ha! The people assigned to responding to email sent to the CEO should really have their "records" up to date. This has to be old information, and it should be a colossal embarrassment that they just sent it out to Malouff now.
I was wondering if Scott Greczkowski could answer the question if the DTVPal have any vent holes and has any thermal problems?

Sorry I was in the hospital sick (all better now) :)

No vent holes.

And it didn't get too warm. I was kind of surprised. I actually expected it to get warmer.
pabeader did you see that my preorder got canceled?
I think Scott might have known that retailers using Sling Media as their distribution partner were going to be cancelled.

It looks like the DTVPal is now ONLY available through the DISH Network Sales organization?
I don't know any possible retailers that are listed as a NTIA participating retailer and also in the DISH Network Sales organization.

Do you know how to find out who is a member of both?

Sorry I don't know anything of how these things are going to be distributed.
What we know and don't know about DTVPal availability

PLEASE NOTE: I am retracting most of the changes below because the vendor that temporarily quit taking preorders is now doing so again (without coupons), and still expects to get stock in (and then take coupon orders) the week of "June 23th."
See the retracted version later in this thread.

What we know about DTVPal availability:
  • A certain quantity of the final product in the final packaging has been manufactured; presumably the first (possibly very small) production run is complete and sitting in the U.S. somewhere.
  • At least 3 reviewers have seen this final product: Scott, Dave Zatz, and CNet.
  • Many DISH CSRs have still been given little new information and either still say it's "$40 and will be available this month (June)" or say "we may have more information and/or start selling it by phone in late July." (We know that they don't know.)
  • Many DISH equipment sellers like local RadioShack stores haven't even heard of it yet. (Again, we know that they don't know.)
  • UPDATE: Every NTIA-approved online retailer that at one time thought they would be receiving a shipment of DTVPals has pulled it from their website, possibly *every* online retailer, period.
What we don't know (speculation):
  • If there will be online ordering at, a.k.a. (or what the "Order" button there might do differently once the item is available for sale).
  • If DISH will be able to accept coupons for direct-to-consumer sales, whether by phone or online. (DISH/ are not appearing on NTIA-approved retailer list yet, but that may just be on hold until sales start.)
  • [STRIKE]If the online stores that now think a shipment is coming in June are being deceived just like previous ones were.[/STRIKE] Now we know - see UPDATE above.
  • If DISH is holding everything back because it's trying to first work out a deal with a big chain, such as Target, or if they want to sell it exclusively themselves (at least at first).
  • If DISH is going to make enough of these to satisfy demand, or if it will shut down the manufacturing at some point hoping that frustrated people who, for example, envy their friend's DTVPal but couldn't get one themselves, will order DISH satellite service instead.
  • If a different $40 box will really come out, or if the talk of that is just to obscure a "secret plan" to drop the $60 box back to $40 retail once demand starts dropping off at $60. (This would be nothing unusual for technology; remember what happened with iPhone pricing, for example.)
Please comment if I've missed some important knowns or unknowns or if you have any more information.
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Claude Greiner,

I tried a Echosphere eMail I got from a Symbios in the AVS Forum and got a reply.
Echosphere Resolution said:
Thank you for your inquiry.
All of this will be cleared up in the Retailer Chat this week.
Full details on MSRP as well as Retailer pricing is scheduled to be officially announced.
Looks like they thought I was a retailer or something.

I mentioned that I had a pre-order at FreeDTVShop, I was a consumer not a retailer, and asked about availability and pricing.

What is "Retailer Chat", and when is it scheduled to take place?

Would you please keep us updated about this chat if you are able to Claude?

Thank You.
I've updated my DTVPal availability summary above. and have pulled the DTVPal off their website.

The SKU still seems to be active in their system, however; if you go to the cached version of the website page for DTVPal and add it to the cart, it still goes in. Probably just a glitch in their website, but who knows? Anyone been cancelled by them?

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