First Look: AT&T U-Verse with GigaPower

Rest assured you have 300 Mbps to the press release... For AT&T to really get this going they are going to have to improve their peering connections... It takes a lot longer to get that done that to turn up the speed on the local fiber which probably already has the hardware in place for 1gigabit and is simply capped at 300Mbps. These peering issues are probably why they limited it initially to 300mbits, it would be very obvious if they claimed 1Gb/s and delivered 80Mbps.
This would explain why at&t claims that I am getting 300 Mbps every time I have them do a line check. I wonder if I would have the same issues if I had Google Fiber instead!?
AT&T is famous for peering issues. Look at Netflix's chart

Look who is near the bottom. Then click on include smaller ISPs. Google is at the top and AT&T is hanging out near the bottom.

Think of it like a home network. You might have gigabit ethernet everywhere internally but your "peering" with the rest of the internet is holding you back.
quickie update, the upgrade to 1G came today -- see the post I made. :)

It's real :)
Mine will be arriving on 08/18 (Monday). I received the email from AT&T already.

Only problem is that all of my devices have 802.11n for WiFi. So, I won't be seeing Gigabit speeds until I upgrade all of my hardware.
That speed test was with a HARDWIRED connection to the back of the Gateway.
LER, do I have multiple personalities and you're me posting as you? I just looked at the pics in the first post of this thread. My setup is nearly identical to yours. I even have a Galaxy Gear. Lol
I have finally decided to pull the trigger and install U-Verse for my Internet. 45Mbps is the maximum I can get for now, but GigaPower might be coming to our area too down the road. I hope soon. Not sure what I would need such speed for, but it would be cool! :)