First 811 Installed in East Texas!!

she left us hangin!! or is it he?

No Stacy is currently being brainwashed by the Dish HD Demo channel. If you watch the same 5-10 min. demo loop more than 3 times you are secretly programmed to be a Dish Network customer for LIFE !! :)
Okay, here is what i know so far. Fan noise is pretty much non-existent. The picture quality is great on the Samsung DLP. Love the menu guide as its just like Scott said, openTV software. Don't know about the stretch modes as I haven't played with it any. However there are two interesting things: 1) the remote has DVR buttons on it, and 2) apparently the optical out is not working as it only makes a staticy popping sound, and yes, we set everything up in the menu. The installer said they may have to trade out the unit. I'll try pictures again here.

Okay, here is what i know so far. Fan noise is pretty much non-existent. The box seems to put out a little more heat than other receivers I've known, so you guys probably want to make sure you keep it on top of other components or by itself. The picture quality is great on the Samsung DLP. Love the menu guide as its just like Scott said, openTV software with the TV picture in the guide. Very responsive to keys on the remote, but then again anything is more responsive than my 6000. Don't know about the stretch modes as I haven't played with it any. However there are two interesting things: 1) the remote has DVR buttons on it, and 2) apparently the optical out is not working as it only makes a staticy popping sound, and yes, we set everything up in the menu. There is no coaxial out, but we knew that. The installer said they may have to trade out the unit. Haven't checked out OTA yet and probably won't as my father-in-law has a Zenith OTA STB that is fantastic. He didn't connect the antenna to the 8vsb input and he hasn't even hooked up the S-video cable. He's using the box striclty for HD content. He has a 508 for all else. I'm still unable to post the pics. I'll try to play around with it some tonight and see if I can get you some more information for tommorow. By the way, I am a guy- 39 year old redneck actually.

If you have windows xp, go to start menu, click on my pictures, in left paine, click email this picture, click OK to make all my pictures smaller. Right click on the attached pic file and save as pic1. Go to Sat guys and upload pic1.
I just installed an 811 system today for a new customer. I didn't notice any fan noise and the OTA worked good but would lock up intermittently while changing local channels. The only thing I could do was to front panel power off five seconds and wait for it to power down and then turn it back on and wait for signal to come back on.

The stretch did not work! This is not acceptable DISH!!! Over all it is a good receiver but too many buttons on the remote that don't go with this unit.

:D Yeah you would think they would put the DVI cable with the system due to tv manufacture is not going to supply this. Also the Super Dish is from what Iam being told here the way to go for future and will pick up locals better plus future HD channels with out extra dish which you will probally need in future if you don't have one. The remote issues well that real common with any type of remote you usually have things on a remote that you will never use anyway. Just glad to see folks getting them in and setting up ok. As far as other things like picture quality things like that well going too depend on your dish and main thing what kind of TV set you have due to some folks are going to have better setup than other. So really everyone overall picture and other things is always going to differ.
You DON'T need a SuperDISH.

All HD will be at 110.

This was announced last week on the Retailer Chat, it will be made public next week on the Consumer Charlie Chat.
:D Right I understand you dont half to have it! But main reason they are saying this is due to all the folks that have 500 can stay with their 500! New customers like myself can still get the SD if they want and thats what Iam going to get mainly due to future things too come.
Poke, I really don't understand this fixation in the DVI cable. I have never expected a manufactuer to supply cables whether it was a DVD, AVR, VCR or what ever other than your cheap basic composite A/V cables. If they were going to supply a DVI cable then shouldn't they supply a component cable also?

Also if you read all of Charlie's comments from last weeks retailer chat you will want a Dish 500 and a wing dish. The only reason to have a super dish is if needed for your locals.
Uhh..... They do provide the component cables. At least they did on the 6000u I got. In the box.
Since the DVI cable is not included, can you get it at Radio Shack? I would like to have mine available when the 811 comes this Saturday
I'm going to Circuit City to get my DVI cable. I can't wait to have the Xbox back on component since my 6000 and DVD player currently take up the two that I have.

Make sure it's DVI-D though.
ok have to ask now, what is DIV-D and what diffrent DVI cables are there? I know when I go into Best Buy and ask for a DVI -D cable Im gonna get that look.... you know the one :shock:
DVI-I is the best kind of DVI cable. It is capable of transmitting both analog and digital signals through it. If you look at the cable it has a little + shaped pin in the pin cluster.

DVI-D is the can only transmit digital signals. It has a - shaped pin in the pin cluster.

Dish Network is using DVI-D on the 811.

They will be using DVI-I on the 921.

Didn't kow the 721 could do this

Question about OTA: HDTV vs DTV signals

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