Is there a reliable source/ web site where one can find the most recent firmware update versions or should I just assume that my H20-600 and HR20-700 get the latest versions automatically?
This site lists the update history for the H10, H20, HR20, and R15:I was just wondering if the latest version is listed somewhere online. For example, my HR20-700 has 0x145. Was just wondering if there was a site online that lists updates and what exactaly that update is supossed to do/ fix. Thanks for trying....guess no such place exists.
If you want the current Nationally downloaded software, thats easy, unplug your units or hit the reset button and uwhen it comes back up it will have the latest national info on it.
Sorry that is incorrect.No, it won't. To force the latest software download, reset, then as soon as a blue screen comes back up, press 0-2-4-6-8 on the remote. Receiver will then go to the software download screen.